From Gaia
My darlings, beloved of my heart,
Surely, in this springtime of growth and light, you can sense for sure that the Goddess is rising!
Feel the earth pulsing with excitement. I love spring, too! The winter is my quiet time, soft and silent. Now the energy is rising and I am rejoicing to share it with your eyes and your hearts.
I know there is destruction all around. Yes, it hurts but never forget that I have a Mother's heart. Does not a Mother give of herself to her beloved ones? Of course! The earth is teacher and selfless giver. I make visible the damage and pain that is in your hearts. For who would hurt the earth, save those that are sad, lonely and frightened?
Know that all is well. I have strength and myriad helpers in the Unseen realm! I am simply waiting for people to awaken from their stupor and blindness and co-create with me, returning the earth to Paradise. And, yeah, it is more than that. It is truly a new birthing, not a return to the past. We are making all things new!
Dance with me! Look into my eyes and see the love, flowing in wild abandon from a never ending Source! Come into my arms of love and snuggle close, warmed and blessed by our togetherness. How I love our times together! I love you, my precious ones, always and forever.
So many are unseeing. Is it any wonder that I dance with joy when you come near? I love to feel your fingers in the earth. It is shared joy, my dear ones. I feel your love when you look upon the earth, the soil, the stones, the plants and little creatures. I breathe it in and feel our oneness that can never be divided or shaken.
Breathe love, be love. Step forward in quiet confidence, knowing that you are surrounded by the devas and nature spirits-your partners in co-creation. I am always near, helping and guiding. So is Pan, the one who turns energy into form. You are a vital and incredibly important part of this! It is your thoughts that create the template for visible form!!
Dream big, audacious dreams!! Picture them in clear details! Then ask! Ask, ask, ask!!! Keep asking. You cannot comprehend how important it is that you ask!!! Some things cannot become Seen unless you ask! How it delights my Mother's heart to have you ask for what you want and need and can imagine!! The devas and nature spirits swirl near, most capable of turning your dreams into reality!! Their essence is joy and light and music. They are perfection but they need you! You are co-creators, that is your gift and my gift to you.
Take quiet moments to spend time with me for I am most happy to share all that I have and all that I am. I adore you, my darlings! I am ever near, always glad to share hugs and gentle kisses upon your cheeks. I brush you softly with the wind and send a bird's song to cheer your heart. I send love to you, love overflowing.
I love you, precious ones.
I am Gaia, your Earth Mother, your friend
To the Oak
O majestic oak tree, mighty one.
Life pours forth from you in joyful abandon.
It stirs my heart and sparks, indeed ignites, my passion for the things of earth.
Ancient are you, yet ever new.
Often have I stood beneath you, lost in love,
feeling sheltered and protected under your strong arms.
You are companion, sojourner.
You touch the earth and also sky, joining all in your embrace.
When did the first acorn fall, welcomed by the soil?
No doubt countless millennia have passed since then.
You intertwine the past to present, reaching to the future that we will share.
In the unseen places where your roots dwell,
mycelium of mushrooms flourish in mystery.
Birds and bugs call you home.
Your leaves are a melody of life’s bounty as you send forth water, oxygen and food for the forest floor.
Amidst your branches, you hide stories of the past and tales yet to be told.
Each time I leave you, it is with a promise of my return
for we share a oneness, contentment and serenity.
Thank you, Friend Oak, for your blessings too numerous to measure.
Thank you for your wisdom and light.
I love you, Oak tree. I love you very much.