The Truth & Other Lies We Tell Ourselves

Learn How to Choose the Words that Determine the Outcomes in Your Life

by Matthew Whitehead

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/12/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781982272838
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781982272845

About the Book

“Why do the words we use to express ourselves and interpret the world around us matter? Matt captures the answer to this question in a thought provoking and provocative way that makes you smile, makes you laugh, makes you embarrassed, makes you upset and makes you want more!” —Joseph Gianni, Author of Swagger – The “Way of the Sway” to Success and Life Success. What if you found out “the truths” you have been told your whole life were not really the truth? What if you found out you were told a fable only so you would follow a principle and not the depth of what is true? Isn’t the truth absolute? There is a fundamental “truth” that exists, but are they the ones you know? Are they the correct ones or are they just the right truths for you? Your life has a theme and whether you understand it or not you created it and reinforce it. What if you could understand why? Why does your life follow these patterns? Why do you unconsciously reinforce behavior that you believe in your mind you do not even want? I believe the answer and power to change your script is easier than you think. Once you understand the components, you can then become aware and from there you can take intended actions to change your script. You are not powerless. You have the power to change your patterns and create a new truth, a truth that serves you and your story.

About the Author

Matthew Whitehead has been interested in human behavior and psychology for over 20 years focusing on why people behave the ways they do. By attempting to break down behavior into its most simple components, Whitehead feels there are opportunities to become better human beings. If it is possible for one, it is possible for many and in essence create and opportunity to improve the world through behavioral awareness.