I Have Dreamt of the Earth

And the Earth has Dreamt of me...

by Raphael Montoliu

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/02/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 744
ISBN : 9781982260224

About the Book

This book is a reflexion of the personal journey of the author, a journey of the heart, a spiritual quest and a very unique search for freedom, understanding, integration, healing, and hopefully eventual wisdom. The author, early in his life, chose the path less travelled, far away from all accepted beliefs systems, guided by intuition alone and an earthly mysticism. You will find no old or new theology here, no dogma, no methods, systems, disciplines or miracle solutions to personal or worldly problems, only suggestions, inspirations, reflexions, and occasionally some admonitions or objections. There is also a great deal of questioning, of challenging most aspects of the status quo, for the author feels that the self must be emptied of its illusions, of its conditioning, of all it has been taught to believe and thinks it knows, and even of some of its hopes and expectations, in order to open itself to the unknown, to the mystery, to the unspoken and absolute of which it is a part. The eternal questions of the nature of the self and of life, of the relationship of humanity with the universe and all living things, with the natural creation, are explored from a holistic perspective, and the answers are startlingly simple and clear yet highly subversive, for if understood globally they might spontaneously alter the course of civilization and end its destructive actions towards the natural environment, not because of a fear of the future or from an ideological outlook, but from love and an innate respect and appreciation for all life. An evocation of the mystical experience, an exploration of the nature of love and freedom, a manifesto for the earth and all living things, this book offers an alternative vision. Poetic, inspirational, defiant, alternatively gentle and fierce, this unusual voice might just be the medicine that a fearful, divided and confused humanity needs to willingly restore a harmonious relationship with itself and all life.

About the Author

Raphael Montoliu is an artist by vocation and profession. He grew up watching his artist parents draw and paint, and feels happiest with brushes in hand, canvas and oil paint, when he is not spending time in nature, his real home. Born in a large metropolis, he became aware very early on that city life does not provide the best environment to develop a spiritual relationship with the natural creation. But he felt that this problem went much deeper than everyday noise, rush, crowds and pollution, that there was something fundamentally askew with civilization, at its very foundation. He consequently embarked on a spiritual journey and intuitively sought solitary, contemplative moments in nature whenever he could, during family vacations and later on, at seventeen years old, during a solo three months long trip to very remote natural locations, motivated by a desire to unlearn much of what he had been taught to believe and perceive by western culture, which he felt was false, and find a new vision, a simple and direct relationship with the earth and the cosmos free of any mental distortion. This led him to develop, or perhaps remember, a more holistic understanding of the nature of life and of the self, and ever growing feelings of harmony, kinship and unity with the natural world and all life. He eventually began writing, for himself at first. Encouraged by others to publish a book, and although he doesn’t claim to be a writer, he eventually chose, among hundreds of texts, which one to use and occasionally edit, and this book is the outcome of this effort.