Soul Expression

by Magi Traynor

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/04/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 46
ISBN : 9781982225223

About the Book

Each and every day can be precious when we are coming from the stillness because we are no longer missing out on all the lovely gifts that are already a part of our life. Our body is constantly relaxed, our thoughts are peaceful, and we are walking the sacred path, having the time of our life. When we make this a habit, it feels so natural. Now we want to be home all the time. The old way of living and of being disconnected that felt so natural no longer feels real. When everyone wakes up to this truth, then we can all work together, living in peace and harmony with each other. Then when our time comes to pass on, we leave a legacy of love for those who follow, and they in turn do the same. The time has come to let go of the old story, and all we have to do is make the choice then put in to practice living as our true self. And it does take practice. We can ask our angels and guides for their love and support in doing this because as soon as we make the choice and are sincere about this, help comes in all directions.

About the Author

Magi grew up in Dublin as the youngest of eight children, they all had so much freedom with fields all around to play in. Magi’s Mam and Dad were so beautiful together and every Tuesday evening they would go into town to enjoy a movie together. It was so natural for neighbours to drop in for a cup of tea and a chat and now and again they would sit around and her Mam would read the tea leaves for them. They had a grocery shop and Magi loved when the breadman came in carrying crusty loaves on a wooden tray and to this day, the smell and of crusty bread is something she loves. Dressing the shop window was something she loved to do, there were three shelves which she would cover in crepe paper, usually red, and place boxes of biscuits and jars of sweets here and there and then go outside to admire her work. She loved spending time in the garden and Magi always felt that there was something so magical about being in nature. This is something that has not changed as she feels so very much at home walking through the Parks and woods.