Healing the Trauma of Psychological Abuse

A Lived Experience Roadmap to a Mindful Recovery

by Margot MacCallum

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/10/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 250
ISBN : 9781504315326

About the Book

If you have been left traumatised by a break up or divorce, you may be the victim of covert psychological and emotional abuse and not even realise it yet. You might not think of lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating, and slandering as abuse because these things don’t leave bruises or broken bones. Yet this kind of callous mistreatment can leave deep moral injuries that – if left unattended – can fester for years. It happened to Margot MacCallum more than once. Only when she sought to understand why was she able to begin her journey toward healing. Drawing on her own experience, a broad sociological study of the phenomenon, and her training in mindfulness and Buddhism, she explores how to: gain a deeper understanding of the brutal realities of psychological and emotional abuse; make more space for forgiveness and understanding of your own ordeal; overcome painful thoughts and emotions that keep you from moving through victim to survivor to thriver; and achieve a deep state of calm and contentment. That mountain you are carrying? Teach yourself to put it down. Then climb it.

About the Author

Margot MacCallum is an actor torn between the drive to communicate and the need to hide. She has worked in film, television, voiceover and stage, as a group facilitator, and administrator. She hopes her story of surviving abuse and healing from trauma will be the key that unlocks someone else’s prison.