Book Details
About the Book
Kairos, Neelam's first collection of words is a dialogue on varied topics: hope, healing and living a bold, meaningful life measured in finite moments when one is required to act versus consume time chronologically. Her writing has reached, inspired and connected with thousands of beautiful souls. Grab a cup of tea and inhale her words in any way you choose.
Neelam's share of proceeds from this book purchase will be put toward building a library as a tribute to her parents embracing her love for books and reading ever since she was a little girl.
About the Author
Neelam is a writer and poet whose writing has reached, inspired and connected with thousands of beautiful souls around the world. Her first collection of words, Kairos gives a beautiful glimpse of dialogue on varied nuances of hope, healing and living a bold, meaningful life.
Kairos means an opportune, divine moment to act. Neelam believes each one of us has been allocated a certain number of kairos moments and when we are called on: we must not falter. We must make a choice.
In anything Neelam does, her desire is to practice compassion for what meets her path and for our human collective. In that light, it felt like an easy choice for her to donate all the proceeds from this book purchase to building a library as a tribute to her parents encouraging her love for books ever since she was a little girl.
Each piece of writing that fills you in this book comes from a kairos moment Neelam has had. Her wish for you is: may you welcome all that meets your path, may you tower over uncertainties and may you have countless kairos moments in your lifetime. But above all, may you choose to act.