Creating a Life Worth Living

Volume 3 Expanding your World View

by Debbie N. Goldberg

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/09/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781504358972

About the Book

In Volumes 1 and 2 of this series, you did great work on understanding yourself, strengthening your relationship with the Spirit, and finding your purpose in life. Now let’s explore your role in the greater collective, and how your work impacts those around you.

Volume 3 will help you expand your worldview and branch out into the infinite space we call home. Get ready to open your arms and heart and receive all that you deserve.

These books are a gift of love from the Spirit. They are a guide to love, peace, purpose, and healing.

The love that comes from the Spirit is transformational love. It is a love that encircles you and allows you to grow, heal, and evolve. In order to enhance your life and all of your relationships, you need to understand the art of loving yourself. Your transformation changes everything around you, creating a life worth living.

Transformational love is not a love that you encounter on an earthly plane nor can it be found there. This love baths you in truth and light and shows you the blessing and miracle you truly are.

Everything you need for your life’s journey is within you. Allow me to help you find this love within and awaken to a new world.

Creating A Life Worth Living is a series of books that build upon each other and should be read in sequence to get the most out of them.

About the Author

Debbie N. Goldberg has been a therapist for 18 years practicing in Pennsylvania. She specializes in mental health and substance abuse issues, providing services to adults and couples. She has worked in a variety of settings and is now in private practice, residing in Islamorada Florida. She brings the spiritual knowledge of her own awakening into her work with others to inspire healing, love, joy, purpose and creativity through their own spiritual journey.

This series of books are channeled from her own spiritual guidance and incorporates teachings from Dr. Margaret Paul's Inner Bonding Program and Dr. Barbara De Angelis' Ultimate Program.