I avoided saying, “I have cancer.” I did not own it as it was not something good that I wanted. I disarmed it by saying “I was diagnosed with cancer.” Perhaps you are asking “What is the difference in the phrasing, it’s all the same.” This is the difference: I have a physical body and a spiritual body. The physical body was diagnosed with cancer. The spiritual body was not. If cancer were a good thing, people would rejoice instead of expressing horror when they hear that someone has been diagnosed with it. A friend e-mailed me that she shed a tear when she heard about my diagnosis. She probably saw it as a death sentence.
It is important not to give the dis-ease a name. Giving the dis-ease of the body a name conjures up in the mind the stigma attached to it. Rather, think of it as a malfunction of the body. In thinking this way, your attitude will be to get the body functioning again. This removes the “woe is me” attitude and waiting passively for someone to tell you what to do as you give your life over to them. Take action! Do your own research! What may work for one person may not work for you. Everyone’s immune system is different.
Do not identify with the cancer. You are not it and it is not you. If you are not comfortable with conventional treatment, then research alternatives. There are many alternatives called “Protocols” that are being bandied about. A non-conventional protocol can include vitamins, herbs, exercise, spices, and whatever natural things that can help the body return to wholeness. Water is usually included, but the water to be drunk should be purified or filtered, but depending on the part of the world in which one lives, purified or filtered water is not always available.
I forced myself to drink eight glasses of water. I thought I was doing great until I heard somewhere that it should be ten. I never made it to ten. I had no access to purified or filtered water and used rain water which fell from the sky into my containers. I collected rain water from the spout on my roof until I realized that the water could be contaminated from the dust and leaves which collected there.
I read of and used a new natural treatment which involved the stimulation of the immune system so that tumors are destroyed by the NK cells. This treatment is derived from a substance found in certain Japanese mushrooms called Active Hexose Correlated Compound or AHCC in capsule form. It is supposed to increase the natural killer (NK) cells. Is this a wonder “natural” drug? It is supposed to provide extra power to help the body fight the cancer as its primary function is the strengthening of the immune system. It is also supposed to act as a deterrent against any dis-ease.
I took action against the dis-ease by doing the research into it. When you take action, you feel powerful. Fear masks power. Get rid of the fear and the power emerges. Remember, we were not given a spirit of fear but of power and a sound mind; a sound mind to have the courage to take the necessary action. Once we decide to take action and step out, things happen.
We are afraid of what we do not understand. I decided to research this dis-ease of the body, and in doing so, I now have knowledge which I would not have had otherwise. With knowledge comes wisdom. The wisdom gained from the knowledge has taught me that there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Fear paralyzes and prevents us from taking action, but fear should propel us into taking action. Our beliefs influence our mind which influences our body. Our beliefs can limit us or expand us. Beliefs create emotions which create feelings. Our belief creates our reality. We have the power to create. What we can create are healthy healing thoughts. We attract to ourselves what we are thinking about. This can make us or break us. Looking beyond the appearance of the dis-ease and seeing ourselves healthy, creates healing.
The feel of your body or what we call our “gut feeling,” will tell you when you have made a right decision. If you feel comfort, it is right; if discomfort, your decision is wrong. Radiation and/or chemotherapy had to seem right to me for me to use them and since they did not, I decided not to use either. The feel of your body should also be used in the choice of medication; treatment and diet for no two persons are alike. What may be good for the persons you read or hear about, may not be good for you. Decide your own treatment and diet by the feelings in your body.
Choosing to “prove me now herewith,” I kept the words “I am fearfully and wonderfully made; nothing is growing in my fearfully and wonderfully-made body,” in the forefront of my mind. It has always been my belief that nothing should grow in my body, no lumps or tumors for if it is the temple of my Creator, there was not enough room for Him and the lumps and tumors.
Prayer and meditation were also a great help. I never managed to do the meditation the way the instructors said it should be done. My meditation was mindless as I sat with eyes closed for about fifteen minutes watching what came in and out of my mind, feeling my feelings. My prayer was simple: “Thy Will be done.” Death did not enter my mind as being a part of that Will. My Creator’s Will for me was not any form of suffering. A Will is a written legal document for the disposal of property after death. It can also mean intention, purpose and/or desire and is usually an instrument of great joy.