Better Than This

by Mark Holis

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/05/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 270
ISBN : 9781504392563

About the Book

The personal journal, turned hit blog, now book, with an intimate feel that cannot be emulated, is an eloquent, inspiring, angry, unreliable, sweet, modest, profound book that reveals the dark side of dealing with insurmountable loss and the bright side of winning it all back. Plus, some. Although it’s an autobiography, M. Holis’s ‘Better Than This’ is really a story of humility, devastation, trials, tribulations, and the beauty that comes with figuring it all out. His journey will reveal a person still closely in touch with who they are while remaining deeply humble to their situation and the future of it. From homeless to hero his journey is a story that everyone can relate to. Get a firsthand experience of what fans of the hit blog have called, ‘Powerful and addictive.’ While it’s not an easy read (you might want to keep a box of tissues nearby) it is an important one. The newly updated edition now includes, ‘Seven steps to getting out of any situation fast’ no matter what your circumstance is.

About the Author

VOTED TOP 100 MEN OF THE YEAR IN LAS VEGAS. AWARDED BY THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS & SENATE FOR LEADERSHIP IN PHILANTHROPY. M. Holis believes that no one person should ever go hungry. Not for food or for knowledge. Since getting back on his feet he has been called a philanthropist, crusader for the homeless, humanitarian, and leader in the community he practices the act of radical generosity that transforms the world. As the founder of the grassroots organization that gives, he lives to radically change the world by serving those who are less fortunate, underemployed, and unemployed with food, clothing, hygiene, hugs, love all for free. After getting back on his feet just a few years ago, he decided to create a 100% community-based organization of volunteers that, to date, has had over 5,435 locals come down and pay it forward with them, now has over 105 volunteers and has given out over 91,438 individual meals, locally, all for free. Completely nondenominational and independent of any major charity or church. They’re just people serving people. His community projects have included the likes of, Rich Products, Starbucks, Einstein Bagels, Coca-Cola and more. As a leader in philanthropy his organization has been Awarded Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition by The United States Congress for an unwavering commitment and leadership to help the disadvantaged people of Las Vegas. They’ve been Awarded Senatorial Recognition by The United States Senate. Given by, Senator Dean Heller. - Awarded Las Vegas Top 100 Men of the year and Awarded hometown hero. His newest project;, is a three-day workshop for ‘Givers’ who are looking to take their giving to the next level. By creating effective and exceptional volunteer organizations. Whether in life, in businesses, or in community. Inspired to take your ‘Giving game’ to the next level? Visit and join us at our next three-day workshop. Exclusively for non-profits, grassroots organizations, and volunteers. Join us I want to hear from you How has my book inspired you? Leave your testimonial on Amazon Follow me on Facebook Friend me on Linkedin Join our tribe of givers at