Choose Spirit Now

Wake Up to an Exquisite Life

by Ginger Graf Dunaway

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/12/2014

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 238
ISBN : 9781452598291
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 238
ISBN : 9781452598277

About the Book

Ponder this a moment: Before it was proved that the world was round, could you imagine trying to convince someone that they were really living on a huge round planet spinning around the sun? People would look at you like you were crazy!

What if I told you that most of us are living immersed in a thought and belief system (the ego) that is completely running the show, that is completely responsible for our suffering in many forms? Crazy, right? What’s crazy is the stress, anxiety, jealousy, insecurity, worry, depression, anger, guilt, loneliness, etc. that this thought and belief system causes as the ego bogs us down in the busyness of life and old engrained belief patterns, enabling us to forget the most important truth we need to remember amid this human experience.

Choose Spirit Now is a how-to for spiritual awakening, bringing together the best of both the ancient practice and teachings of yoga and the spiritual teachings from A Course in Miracles to finally free us from this ego thought and belief system by shining the light on every nook and cranny where it is hiding out. Are you ready to begin the most fascinating exploration of your own self and in the process reveal your absolute right to wholeness, happiness, and contentment as God-given gifts to all of us?

Check out to experience this book as an online retreat and for continued support for living a life fully awake.

About the Author

Ginger has been in her own “self-study” since being a kid and has enjoyed reading books on spirituality, psychology, and a number of other topics ultimately leading her to the Yoga Sutras and A Course in Miracles. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and a minor in human development from the University of Alabama in 1998. She is a nationally certified and licensed massage therapist, Kripalu-certified yoga teacher and is the owner of Quiet Mind Massage Therapy & Yoga Studio. She is living the happy dream with her husband, little girl, 4 dogs, 3 cats, and lots of wild creek animals in a very hot, humid, and beautiful part of southern Alabama.