Sacred Ground,

Path to Recovery

by Christina Kook & Grand Master Greg Yau

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/01/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 66
ISBN : 9781452587752

About the Book

Sacred Ground: Path to Recovery reveals the secrets of self-healing and managing chronic pain. Grand Master Yau explains that emotional and physical rejuvenation takes only minutes a day. The practices cultivate a calm mind and nervous system and develop internal strength, vitality, and grounded ease. William C. Gough, co-founder of The Foundation of Mind Being Research says it this way: “Grand Master Greg Yau has developed a methodology for promoting health and body strength based upon the ancient techniques that give foundation to Shaolin Gong Fu. It uses the physical body as the foundation for connecting to the Universal Energy of the Absolute. This process for strengthening the body can provide a pathway for a person to reach enlightenment and represents the spiritual aspects of these ancient practices. The process involves working with not only the anatomy of the physical body, but with one’s mind and energy body – i.e. the subtle energy flows of the acupuncture and meridian systems.”

About the Author

Christina Kook helps her clients release long held habits of tension and feel young and happy again. She loves teaching people to move fluidly through life with foundation and internal strength and is honored to share Prime Life Healing Qi Gong with you.
Grand Master Yau has devoted his life to demonstrating the power of Prime Life Force Qi Gong. His techniques ground the earth and the universal energy of the Absolute within the practitioner. When the body, mind and spirit work as one, enhanced health and well-being is the natural result. Grand Master Yau uses gentle movements, visualization, sound, breathing, and conscious intention to refine the spirit. Elevating one’s mood and circulating the life force throughout the body creates balance, harmony and love for life. We open a space for healing and peacefulness, and return to sacred ground.