You Create Your Own Reality, and Everything Is Perfect
This book is about freedom. It is not a motivational book, a book to beat yourself up with, or a book to try out new coping skills on your pain. Applying the information in this book will put an end to coping with pain forever and can allow you to experience a wellness you may have thought only existed in your imagination or not even at all. You will, if you do the work, begin to experience yourself—that is, your true Nature—and with this personal experience will come all the motivation you ever needed to do anything you ever wanted; because you will have freed yourself from the limiting effects of your own creation, whilst at the same time understanding why you create your life exactly and perfectly in the way that you do. The starting point on this journey is to accept that everything happens for a reason and that you create your own reality, every single pixel of it, and this reality, your reality, is immaculately fashioned by you for you in order to be Free.
Everything is perfectly as it should be. This is because you are creating it that way. When you begin to understand this, that you are creating your own reality in order to become Free, to be Happy, to be at Peace, and to be in Love; then this knowing is the beginning of personal freedom, for it is now the first day of your next life.
To be worthy—or not to be unworthy.
To be in love with yourself and everybody else—in fact, just to be in Love, which is not simply a feeling but a way of being and understanding. You actually love yourself so much that you are and have been creating the perfect circumstances in order to become or realise what you already in essence are, a light being, a Love being, a Free being capable of creating a life worthy of yourself and others.
To become a realised embodiment of Love.
In order to achieve this, the first thing to understand is that everything is absolutely perfect and is as it should be, because you have created it that way. You have done this in order to heal yourself, as it is your destiny to be Free. To resist this movement will only postpone the inevitable, your own awakening and in all certainty it will also bring an increasing dose of pain, or suffering, to your life. A life which has been perfectly created and prescribed by you and for you in order that you may experience, once and for all, a lasting Peace. This is your birth right. Freedom.
Free from . . .
For us to experience this will take some courage, a little discipline, and an initial suspension of scepticism and doubt. The rewards will be great: an end to coping and an end to pain, along with the ability to know yourself in ways you probably never thought possible. You are about to embark upon the greatest spiritual adventure imaginable, one you have created for yourself through a growing sense of self-worth that has now manifested itself with you reading the words of this book. All of this has been created by you in order to be Free.
This search for freedom, happiness, peace, and love is what we are doing here on Earth and it is the attainment of these that we consciously and subconsciously strive for. The search for happiness is one which has led us down many varied paths, some of which may have seemed to have been dead ends or even perhaps final destinations. However, these explorations and realizations are in themselves a part of the journey towards our ultimate goal, as they have all been created by us in order to show us that this is where our true happiness did not lie. It is somewhat like a manic depressive who suddenly wakes up one day with a miraculous healing; happiness is now not feeling very sad.
Following these numerous paths in the pursuit of peace and happiness have in all likelihood only made your life situation more complicated, which is exactly what they were perfectly designed by you to do. You see, most of us begin our search quite logically by assessing and analysing our lives from their external appearance, believing that our peace, love, and happiness lie outside of ourselves. We believe they are to be found in wealth, an all-consuming passionate relationship, a successful career, an extreme sport, a religious expression, an addiction, or any activity that suppresses the unworthiness being expressed at a deeper level within our Being. All of this is perfectly okay, because we have All created these dynamic realities in our own Divine way to show ourselves that, ultimately this is not the way to perfect happiness, peace and Love. These are absolutely necessary steps that many of us have to take in order to understand, like the healing of the manic depressive, that this is not that. These paths and activities that we create and explore in order to experience ourselves are created in their own way (in our own way) for each of us, perfectly directed by ourselves in order to finally bring us to the moment where we have experienced enough of what It is not.
Obviously, our life’s adventure so far has not been without achievements. We have all summited our mountains, crossed our streams and rivers, and have arrived on the edge of a new piece of territory, guided here by an increasing sense of self-worth or pain which has accumulated as a result of our previous wanderings. This last part of our journey is the most exciting because we are about to arrive at our destination.
The map used to navigate across this next piece of ourselves is our own reality, and our compass will be our feelings. By using Empathy in conjunction with an understanding of what our feelings are trying to tell us, we will cross the bridge between who we think we are and arrive at our final destination of who we truly are—of who we deserve to be—and that is our peaceful selves, our happy and Empathetic selves, our Loving selves. It is an accomplishment worthy of our divine existence and nature as sentient beings living on this blue-green planet which orbits around our Sun.
Our work in becoming Free begins by understanding that we are loved so much by God, the Universe, our Soul (or Atma), or by Love itself (Our self) that our emotional pain, in whatever form, has been given to us as a gift, an amazing opportunity to grow closer to experiencing our true Nature. We can now move towards experiencing this Peace, this Freeness, by learning to lovingly Empathise with our emotions of pain, sadness, anger and our fear.
This next step of our journey starts by becoming aware, if we are not already, of our feelings. For many individuals who have been coping and struggling with life, and are using mental, physical, and/or chemical strategies to suppress the ever increasing intensity of their feelings, which are screaming out to be heard, are probably going to find this next bit quite challenging. You must allow yourself to feel! It is these feelings and emotions, which once fully acknowledged and empathetically embraced that will begin to create the peaceful reality that is our birth right. With this peacefulness will come a stillness of mind, where there are no more intellectual hurdles to clear or mental rings to jump through, simply a peace of mind which passes all kinds of understanding.
So this first step is probably going to be the hardest and most demanding as we must learn to be completely honest and open with ourselves, because it is through this total transparency that our personal liberation lies. Ask yourself,
What is it that I feel right now?