Mission Impossible
He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.
Friedrich Nietzsche
When I came to my first spiritual experience, like everyone else I wanted to know my purpose, my mission. The experience started with my constant oscillation between conscious thought and curiosity to find out more. I quickly realized that in order for me to have the experience that I want, and to receive the information I was seeking from my higher awareness, I needed to shut down my mental chatter, interrupting my experience and doubting my sensations. I was like many skeptics: overflowing with internal questions and judgment. I had to let go of my desire to understand and allow the magic to unfold.
As soon as I made the decision to let go of my analytical thoughts, I dropped into a very deep trance immediately. I quickly began to have physical sensations of weightlessness and floating in my body, I lost awareness of the room, the facilitator, and the questions I brought in, and suddenly I had a curious vision. I noticed a floating sensation, and observed a series of moving pictures, watching the action from the inside, perceiving my body being in active motion, while being still on the outside. I heard my voice speaking audibly with someone familiar although on the physical plane I was motionless and quiet.
I began to zoom into the figures in front of me. I stood before an auditorium of 9 people, who looked like old men, uniformly dressed in white long belted gowns, some wore glasses, all sitting behind a long semi-circular table, facing me. Although I was in a place with no floor, there was a sensation of standing. A very bright light was shining in my face and I experienced pleasant sensations of being loved and appreciated.
For a moment, I thought, “Neah, I am imagining this,” and immediately, someone answered, saying, “Come on! Stop doubting! Be curious, go on!” I brought my attention back to the scene.
Whose voice was that?
I had two inner voices: one positive, encouraging, loving and one negating, complaining, doubtful. When I questioned myself, I listened to who is responding. Another “me,” a well intentioned “Higher Self” who has a positive outlook for me, undoubtfully answered this time.
The scene felt strangely familiar; I had no questions at this time, about what it all meant. It felt like I already know all the answers to all the questions I was going to ask, so I paused quietly, admiring the clarity of this experience. There was certain acceptance in the awareness of this experience.
I felt loved, nurtured, safe, secure, and comforted. I needed nothing, I wanted nothing. I knew exactly that this is what I wanted. To be standing here. I looked at those old people and noticed one in the middle. He seemed more authoritative than others.
The man winked and smiled at me. I noticed that from this distance in every day life I wouldn’t be able to see a person’s expression but I clearly aware that he winked at me. I suddenly remembered what I had heard about the celestial sense of humor. Spiritual beings have a sprightly sense of humor and sometimes when we are too serious they remind us to have fun. As I’ve learned, spiritual guides remind us about life’s pleasures with a child-like attitude or a humorous gesture. This was one of those moments. Yet I physically felt my eyebrows going up in surprise. As he was putting on his glasses (I was sure this was my conscious mind adding-in the level of comfort in my perception) he looked through his papers (!) and then, looking at me above his glasses, he said: “You are doing good. Yes-yes... Bringing good. Good!” He put the papers down and looked at me directly.
There was nothing patronizing in his comment, or the tone of his voice. I felt elated. I am doing good! In fact, in that moment I felt really proud of myself. “Wow, they ARE real!” My omnipresent conscious mind told me. “I have to remember this when I come back...”
I then thought: “Here I am in front of the ...” I wasn’t sure what to call them. I knew, I stood in front of the wisest Consciousness in the Universe, the Collective Unconscious, the bank of Universal Information, Cosmos… I did want this, didn’t I? But for what?… Wait… Functionality of this experience is.... Questions-answers….What did I want to ask here?… Oh, yes…. The Question: What is my purpose?… Although in that moment, it sounded sort of flat and irrelevant. “Purpose” is such a dull one-sided word. There is so much more to what was happening, and the experience was so much richer to me than any words could describe. I thought, “Why do people look for answers, when we already know the answers, because there are no questions to ask, just have the experience, live in connection to light like this, and oh, my god, it feels so good! I instantly had all the answers, know how to be, what to do, and how to “fulfill the purpose” whatever it is.
I noticed that I was very deeply happy to just stand there experiencing this peace and love. I realized: like this it’s not possible to make a mistake.
“Purpose?” He said, “He-he, here”…..