Awakening to Our True Power
Source called me back to Life and invited me to resonate, remember my divine destiny of wisdom walker. To be a way-shower, teach by example. Invitation accepted. I trust Universal Law, Source, God, All-That-Is. I am grounded in a spiritual translation of our electromagnetic energy field’s dynamic. I write this book from a spirit-mind-body perspective, Tao informed.
Visits with death, and a transformative healing, fused my thirty-one-year immersion in spiritual metaphysics, psychology, philosophy and the study of world religions—and awakened my Self-permission to teach what I learned.
Tao means how: how things happen. How things happen is not the same as what we should do. No one can tell us what to do. This is our responsibility, our freedom. We are eternal Source energy consciousness, within a unique transient human personality. Universal Energy courses through us. Our awareness of this fact is essential to understand our innate ability to create change.
Our conscious connection with this Force is essential for realizing positive shifts. It is our first and foremost step toward Self empowerment.
Our personal spiritual power is Source energy, which flows, vibrates throughout our physical being. With our awareness, we feel its charge, its pulse. Our feeling sense ability is our primary tool towards accessing conscious change.
Mindful breath is our key connective step. We accept breath upon arrival. We release our final breath when we depart. Breath is our absolute unity with, Who We Are—Love, Life itself.
None of us have to wait to accept our Greatness, our Original Nature. Most of us first must learn to let go the drama-trauma-sad-story of our past before we consciously expand. We are born great, and inner (clearing) work reconnects us with our intrinsic greatness. As we raise our consciousness, we change our world. This requires our attention in the form of gentle self-observation and release of past-future fear-based thinking. We want to be capable of allowing alignment with Source energy. All forms of resistance block this connection. Our transformation occurs in a state of released resistance.
First we must unlearn what we were taught about how things happen. The art of successful change requires we adhere to Universal Law: inner cause creates outer effect.
The quality of our thoughts generates a particular emotional frequency. Our emotional frequency imprints our spiritual energy, which in turn magnetizes, manifests an outcome. This is the nature of how we create our reality. Be it consciously or unconsciously, by default. The spiritual science of universal creation just is. It dictated all the details I share from my experiences. It is Law. And it is ours to learn and enjoy creating with.
Talking about change is insufficient. Our conscious, proactive steps are essential. They open us to receive the abundant goodness Universal Law will provide in our lives. We are infinitely loved. Source guides us to accept our inheritance. Breath to breath, I learned that we need to relax and breathe—to be with the experience of life. Once I co-operated with Source, my body and life circumstances healed and thrived.
Source’s knowing of our True Nature is infinitely greater than our misinformed sense of self. It adores us. It resonates through and around us and provides our highest good.
When we awaken our Source-energy consciousness, we feel inspired to upgrade our thought-emotion transmissions. Choice, intention and inspired action become available. We begin to co-create, create our circumstances consciously. We cease tightrope-walking blindfolded.
Source energy is the power we came here to be one with. We want to experience the infinite possibilities of our earthly playground, enjoying one another and all we delight in.
This is our True Self’s, heart led life. Joyfully co-creating, having examined and shifted ─ the thought-emotion forms that once blocked unity with Source.
It is also the way of Self-expressed ─ Empowered Living.
About Book Design + Spiral Process Progress
Personal shifts inspire (and often are inspired by) new ways of experiencing the familiar. Rather than traditional “chapters” I offer a unique unfolding in ascending order of the Seven (chakra level) Stages. Interwoven within each Stage is my story’s Passages—how I traversed fear-based thinking, to living from Love. Therapeutic storytelling intended to offer transformation and growth to everyone – reader and teller alike. Interspersed along the way, Inspiration vignettes role-model practices and share wisdom I gained and incorporated into my renewed way of life.
I remember, I have often learned how to do something by watching how not to do something. Equally, I’ve been inspired by watching someone’s improvement process. And so, telling my story offers what I learned through the process of reconnection-realignment with Source, allowing It as my sole guide. The journey from the less-than-best early stages of my story into transcendent experiences is intended to inspire your own evolutionary process.
Following each Stage’s storytelling, we will explore its chakra’s Life Process in depth. This concentrated information is not designed to be absorbed or fully grasped in one sitting. Akin to contemplative traditions, process descriptions remain yours to review as often as you choose.
At the end of each stage, enjoy some deep breaths and partake in self exploration. The Self-Inquiry questions are there for you, to be visited and revisited whenever you feel called to delve into your inner work. A necessary element of transformation and change is to begin taking steps in our chosen direction. Micro Moves is an additional introspective tool provided for anytime use. Given once in the back of the book, I invite you go there with your Heart listening.
You may discover you have integrated certain stages or another, and want to utilize story, inspiration, information and self-inquiry simply as a review tool. Maybe you are a proficient co-creator who wants to revisit earlier-stage’s energy shifts while your Stage Six intuitive visionary qualities heighten. Or you know yourself as grounded and present in your energy field delighted to revisit and refresh, utilizing all elements of this book.
Spiral Process Progress
We revisit many of the stage’s lessons throughout our lives as we move toward consistent alignment with Source. Imagine spirit-mind-body integration being an ever-expanding spiral. This process is a mirror of Nature: as seasons change, growth cycles return. As we respect process and honor the inevitable revisits with lessons, our experience of life shifts—from the inside out. We grow to fully enjoy life.
I invite you, sisters and brothers, to set your own gentle pace, stage-by-stage while being with the book. You may want to permit, space and time to absorb the teachings of each stage before moving on to the next, allowing yourself to fully experience and explore what comes up for you.
Please bring your Higher Self into your process and decide what is true and resonant for you at this moment in your life. There is open space after each self-inquiry question for your notes. A handy journal is recommended to support your ongoing process work. You know what is best.