One Spirit Place

The Powerful Connection Between Body & Soul

by Beverly A Anderson

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/08/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781452536927
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781452536910

About the Book

The journey of the soul and the physical person are closely intertwined. The soul needs a physical body to experience and create; the body needs a soul to be human. Incarnated souls often find themselves in a quandary: the person doesn’t hear the elusive voice of their soul, and so they are unable to co-create the life they came to experience. If your desire is to have a higher understanding of your life purpose and create profound positive change in your current life situation, the key lies in understanding the powerful connection between the physical person and their soul. The first step is to reacquaint yourself with higher levels of spiritual truths and universal laws. Relevant stories will assist you in understanding your true essence of energy and spirit. The second step is to honestly evaluate yourself on your life experiences and decisions to determine if you are moving toward or away from your oneness with soul. A questionnaire is provided to assist you in this assessment. The goal is to understand how to realign your consciousness and physical body with the voice of your soul to achieve union and harmony and create whatever life experiences you desire.

About the Author

Beverly Anderson has studied and practiced metaphysics for over fifteen years. She has witnessed life-changing miracles, healings, and interactions with spirit. She is a minister and is studying to obtain a PhD in metaphysical counseling. Beverly resides in Gainesville, Florida, with her husband, Michael; two cats, and their dog, Enzo.