No One Radiates Love Alone

by Jaclyn Maria Fowler

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/24/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781982270469
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781982270445
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781982270452

About the Book

Although the author was born a skeptical seer, she accepted the words of spirit whisperers; they stepped in often to remind her of a mission she accepted in a time between lives. To find it, the author traveled the world searching for clarity. On the way she learned from the people she met: monks and movie stars, philosophers and kings, a trio of Emirati sisters, an accountant on a dusty street corner in Addis Ababa. With each place, each person, each experience, the author came closer to realizing what she had come into this life to do. After reading a book about life between lives, she traveled again to a little office in northern Colorado to find a psychospiritual counselor certified in LBL hypnosis. Through a series of regressions, the author finally found her path. It was never a physical place. Instead, she is an ambassador for The Twelve. You see . . . the spirit world has a message for us. It is a wake-up call, a love letter, an invitation to a life filled with happiness, purpose, love. In No One Radiates Love Alone, twelve ascended masters speak through the author to offer practical, intuitive advice for making our lives more joyous, more purpose-driven. Through them, we rediscover our natural state hidden at the core of our collective soul. So while this book is the culmination of a lifelong spiritual journey for the author, it is only the beginning of a transcendent, joy-inducing vibration that will change all our lives for the better.

About the Author

Jaclyn Maria Fowler loves to write, but she doesn’t go looking for stories; instead, they find her. Sometimes they meet on a dusty road in the middle of nowhere or on a plane high above the Indian Ocean or on the back of a lumbering camel. Wherever they meet, however, Jackie sees the stories as gifts. She has published several short stories, a novel about William Butler Yeats, It is Myself that I Remake, and a well-reviewed chapter in the 2020 Colorado Book of the Year prize-winning anthology, Rise! An Anthology of Change. She is currently working on a new memoir, Memoir of a Medium, and the next book in The Twelve series, Change is the Only Constant. To pay for obsession, she works as an associate professor of English at American Public University where she is the Head of the English Department. Jackie has a doctorate in education from Penn State and an MA and MFA in Creative Writing from Wilkes. She lives in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, with her little Shih Tzu, Doodles.