If you’re reading this, then you most likely know firsthand what it feels like when you can’t sleep at night. Like me, you’ve spent hours lying awake, wishing you could sleep, and then forcing yourself to function as well as you possibly can the next day. You too must have experienced those feelings of exhaustion and lethargy. The same resulting frustration, loneliness, stress, and hopelessness, as well as that helpless sense of slowly losing control.
Perhaps you’ve changed since insomnia became a regular part of your life and you’ve become more sensitive to criticism than you used to be, or you experience the opposite and find yourself feeling emotionally numb.
Insomnia wreaks havoc on your quality of life and it’s bad for your overall health, so it is no wonder that sleeping aids are a 29 billion dollar market. People need to sleep. You want to get rid of this problem, but you don’t know how. No clear solution has yet been found, and nothing you’ve tried so far has worked.
There are a lot of books on the topic of insomnia, but people still can’t seem to get a clear understanding of what causes it and how to solve it.
When you seek medical help, doctors usually end up prescribing sleeping pills, but they don’t assist you with getting to the root of the issue. Psychologists do their best to help you understand the problem so you can solve it, but what causes a sleeping problem lies usually hidden in the complex constellation of your personal experiences that are stored in your subconscious mind. To thoroughly research these issues together with a professional would require a lot of time, money, and endurance, which for most of us simply is not an option. That’s why, in our day and age, it has become increasingly desirable to take matters into your own hands.
If you’re committed to solving the riddle of your insomnia, you’ve found the right book. Get ready to dive into your past and review the childhood conclusions that are still affecting you today. With the Sense of Self (SoS) Method, as described in the chapters that follow, you will gradually unlock what keeps you awake at night, when you should be recharging your battery with vital energy by being soundly asleep.
Living with insomnia can be a lonely experience since no one else really understands what you’re going through unless they have experienced it firsthand. It’s not just that you can’t sleep; insomnia keeps you hostage during the day as well. It impacts your thoughts, emotions, and overall quality of life.
The ultimate solution lies in being completely yourself. The SoS Method gives you the tools to turn unhealthy patterns of behavior around into self-respecting ones. You will learn to live as your authentic self, which automatically leads to a good night’s sleep. Take the first step. Look within and heal thy self!
Let us first agree on how to look at insomnia.
The root cause of insomnia can either be psychological or medical in nature. If there is no medical explanation for your insomnia, understanding the reason you have this problem will allow you to make adjustments to your life and eliminate the issue. I’ve found that the best way to get started with that is to see insomnia as a type of self-sabotage . But note that I don’t use this term with the same negative implications that are commonly attributed to it. What I mean to say here is actually the opposite: What if insomnia is, in fact, serving an important natural purpose for you?
This book addresses sleeping problems that are caused by psychological stress due to a lack of sense of self and the resulting compensation: dependency on approval. In other words, insomnia can happen when you don’t have a strong sense of being your own independent, unique person.
This unfortunate situation usually starts when you’re still a child because adverse childhood experiences and developmental trauma 1 interfere with the natural development of your sense of self.
When you don’t feel acknowledged as your own unique little person during those early years, an obvious way out is to aim for other people’s approval to experience some sense of satisfaction with yourself, or feeling of worthiness. To get approval, you unknowingly force yourself to live up to certain conditions and expectations. This is a core concept of the SoS Method, which I believe is going to help you free yourself from insomnia.