Gastro-, you bash Bro. Drop it in; a task Yo. Break the fast, huh. Melt the spazz, yup. The dash, crup; the lash, pup. Where’s the gas, tuck; quote the math, spoke. Do the catapult; lost the thunderbolt. A son of the jolt; cheap name for the hold. A rhythm filled jam; an ill-gotten began. Stripped of Man; built in the damn. Figure it, a lamb; gone without a plan. The Maker’s Ram; fitted with the initiate’s minutes.
The solemnness of proper entrance. The intrigue of the disbelieved. The omission of the drop from contrition. A mound of mission; held in ill-repute the Priest who bequeaths. At ease, for the known lease. The humility of the Holy; the silly gettin’ told. The real were folded. The Bread looks molded; it’s spoken the actuals of the Contractual. Said Deluge, from the said Refuge. In case you didn’t request the best from the sepulcher; make mention of the replica. Its testing you; arm in arm, suspecting you. Fearless commands, rejecting you.
Do the knowledge; do the misdeeds of the Honest. Bring about Solace. Defend your Culture. Stratify the union of the fumin’. Deliberated Chewin’ instead of Emancipated Soonin’. Steaming’, no buttress, beaming’. Gleaming’, light from the Sent, Dreaming’. Beat your Head in, vying’. The Vote on the Trying’, Denying’. Do with Polish, the likes of the polis. Clean in between, seem; grow in the lien, mean; cheat the dissipate. Don’t incriminate; invigorate, remote simulate. The beginner’s fate, at a loss without the Cost. The Tribune comforts us all; it gives credence to even the deficient. Omniscient, ‘Poltergeist’, exorcised for those above the Trife. Life isn’t dice when we account for the unsaid. Like whom we lay in bed. It’s Dead the, room isn’t lead, its bleed. Marriage indicates authority and perpetuity not promiscuity. Annuity, Triumphant before the Gauntlet. Its pungent, the odor from the Dungeon, vile types, plunging’, munching’. The breath taken by Ventilating’; Spewing’ the finds without focus on what’s behind. A host of Leaders, Teachers, followers hollering, yeah. A news report on the retort.
Respected; Saluted. Dejected; Recruited. It’s true, the few are renewed. The crew isn’t not viewed. The ferry wasn’t merry; the scorn wasn’t adjourned. That proves it, disjointed and muted. Anointed music, so scarce it’s suited. The move on the looted, pop the can, rebooted, alas the mystical offering; cantankerous coughing. No hope for the lost things. It’s costing, tiresome and gone, drowned in thorns sit back, Be Prepared.
Isn’t in no trouble; Get there in a double. Lost the Muzzle; took a guzzle. Fizzle, we sizzle; The Biz., isn’t any Wiz. It’s Immense, the recompense, to those held in suspense. A tenth to the Triumphant; GOD isn’t a Suspect. A broken Musket; Peace does it. Release the Minion; decrease opinion. Say it’s not so, Yo who he is either way. Today was for Yay, Seen you yesterday at Bay. Couldn’t remove the shouldn’t, got caught with wouldn’t. Gone from the Game, a throne for the Insane, Let it Reign, the Drain left us feint. Don’t smoke ‘Deink’.
The Devil can tell something different. If the Man yelling kill; then the Foe yelling Build. The Crow know to stay still; He imitating the Awakening of the Forsaken. Ate Bacon; it wasn’t taken. Want it shaken not stirred. Faking’ for the Makin’. Thanking’ for the tolerance of He who is stinking’. Sinking’, the minx wasn’t held in assuredness of our Porousness. The Glorious held in contempt by the Laborious, say Score with us if you’re not Sure of Us.
Fret for the lost Med. A toss in Said; the boss isn’t Red. The Cost wasn’t bleed; the dozen wasn’t thumping’. The eggs were cracked or something. The Medal to those that Push the Pedal. Lost his mettle, gone to the disheveled. I’m puzzled; who took the wonderings from the thundering. The Might didn’t fright the People who were Alright. Chosen from amongst the frozen; Goons even Baboons, hearing a different tune. It isn’t noon, but the Battle will not be over with soon. Wish it was June, in a bad mood, no money for food. Who is that in the Nude?
This how I know it; the joke didn’t own it. The Mope didn’t clone it. The fool got schooled to a number that was unruled. Tried to play hooky, The Devil yelled Pussy. The Family was dealt handily; we off in it, even handedly. No love for the other; we shuttered; closed our doors, covered. The Rutter was drug; the tide was soothed. It’s not a Plan from the Aloof. The Proof is in the Roof; the truthful, deadly as the Musical by a Guy who didn’t purchase his own thigh. Just saying Hi.
The Mail isn’t Sue ‘cause the Rent must be Due. Competition Slew Amalgamated Mission. Had a Pot to Piss in. Still got to Dripping’; Hung like the Lynching’. A fold to the Drenching’; Lost the Linking’. Stuck in their thought. Got caught; bought a lot. It got stole, gave to Pop Culture. A Dumb Vulture; isn’t thinking’ what the joke is. Do you know what smoke is? Turned over excrement, built off the beating’ of the Betterment. Folks sought after our Govt., Wasn’t it, another Muzzling’.
The WORD,br>
+Authority figures still presumed ‘powerful’
-no tolerance for rule breakers
-confer on Major & Minor Decisions
-Very Supportive
-In an Administrative ‘Onslaught’
-Trust the Leadership
-Develop a system > there is a methodology for its operation
-Advice on making Determinations
-seek the purposeful alignment of its constituency
-seek a ‘mental adherence’ > the psychological and fundamental institution of the
The HIGHER PEOPLE; Those conducive to the Standards and premonitions of the Most High. Those channeled; called; sent. The restitutes; the Administrates.
rapping’ for the Happening’; Sapping’ in Manhattan and, the clapping’ gone along with Stacking’. Known for His Death, demolished for the Bereft. The Deaf can’t atone for the Omniscience of the Repentant. Beneath our Betterment; the crap laid over by a Goliath’s Wondering. Still shunning the disowning, built for dethroning. Red zoning came from our Honing. Loaning, 4/5 of the Remiss, not known for the ill-gotten gift.
The undisputed got muted. Another boot from the Feuded. It’s definitely looted, the gains were found suitable while the lames were made renewable. Left without a cleft, a step beneath our Last Breath. Help isn’t on the way for the Whelp; Stealth gone like Yesterday. A Better day, badgered fettering, depleted underlings. Wanton Lust, smothering. A Young Guy Hovering, Kisses in the Kitchen, Wandering. Look beneath the sheets it’s there sputtering.
A Mother thing, nurture the Certain, What belies from Jerkin’. hurting’, looking’ for it behind the Curtain. A Master’s Planning, A Midnight Landing, the disastrous Sanding. The Floor was banning; the gnaw didn’t score. The Jaw was Sore. Its in the Core; the Bore smelt of Lore from the Champion’s Store. They sold their Ass for Gas. Spent out on a Pass; gave several people some Sass as if they are not the Maker’s of Destiny’s Defendants. A Hallway of Pennants; a fingerless Tenant; death to the Belligerent. A precarious predicament.