A Rite Of Passage

by W. Bell

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/8/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781452569765
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781452569758

About the Book

This book is a symphony of harmonized thoughts for the express dissemination of both tangibles and intangibles, in the sense of aversion and gaining contentment of the mind; of the heart. It is a similitude of an inquisition patterned in the author’s and the reader’s sojourn. The journey enacted by choice and decision. The veritable decree of free from self-introspection and determined succession. The passing on of knowledge through metaphor and simile to capture and captivate. Adverse commentary and strengthened communication lines in the favor of an enlightened guarantor. The learner, discerned yet sovereign for the said implementation of success. Derived intercession to mediate the process. A guide in the midst of tumultuous affairs, disagreeable friends, eroded bonds, and financial melee. This self-help will surmise hope and opportunity for increased vantages. It will increase your chances; widen your choices and field your opportunities. As light shines forth in the dark, this book can awaken and heal. It is a communication and an exhortation. It is proof of power and presumption. It shows the reader an awkward look at that past and possibilities for the future. It survives failure. It lives. It breathes compassion in prose, vigilance in admission, vehemence in austerity. Auspicious gathering and meeting of minds, reader and author, for the expressed consent to nurture; to heal; to begin. “Miscommunication can bring assiduous affairs and tranquilized enticements.” The promotion of identity at the expense of rigorous prosecution. Systematic dissonance versus righteous concordance. A look into the mind of the inspired and the aspiring. A side note to jurisprudence, a detailed caption of the hearing. The trial in every one’s life; their remote time of incoherence under the pursuant. The enigmatic defendant; the truce ridden yet omnipotent assailant.

About the Author

W. Bell was raised in Newark, New Jersey. He decided to log his thoughts over nine years ago. He has two parents, and has decided this writ for recordance and perpetuity purposes only. Not for reproducibility under any guise or any assumed anonymity. He is a professional poet and writer and has taken hours in management. We desire the help and assistance of all to alleviate degradation and uncertainty that has plagued the body politic.