Finding Sane Relationships in a Crazy World

by Cynthia M. Ruiz

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/4/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781452547671
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781452547688
Format : Audio
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : N/A
ISBN : 9781452575032

About the Book

In the fast pace of modern life, there is a lot of craziness and stress. We are social creatures and need unconditional love and support to make it through.

The key to finding “sane” relationships in your life is you. You are the common denominator in your relationships. If you are happy, your relationships will be better.

This book gives you the tools to unlock your true potential and clear the way for sane relationships. All rewards in life take work. Isn’t your happiness worth the effort?

Through self-evaluation and exercises, the book walks you through the steps necessary to feel happy, whole, and complete. Releasing the obstacles that prevent you from being happy is part of the path to finding sane relationships.

This book discusses all types of relationships including family, work, and significant others. You can make a choice to have positive relationships work for you.

About the Author

Living life to the fullest and her compassion for people have helped Cynthia rise to the top in her field. Her degrees in counseling have given her the foundation to help people develop their full potential, which she has been doing for over two decades.

Along her life journey, she has developed and evolved into a true leader. Receiving many accolades and awards for her leadership and ability to inspire others, she always strives to remain humble. Cynthia knows the importance of giving back and is committed to helping others with a percentage of the profits from the book going to the Agape International Spiritual Center and”s angel foundation.

She appeared in Discover the Gift (movie/book) with such notables as his Holiness the Dalai Lama, Michael Bernard Beckwith, and Jack Canfield, and many more. Coming from blended cultures (Latina and Cherokee), she enjoys a passion for life and an appreciation of the gifts of Mother Nature. Cynthia lives in Los Angeles, where she enjoys the diversity of a metropolitan city.