The Little Book of Mary
Daily Inspirations for Peace, Growth and Remembrance
Book Details
About the Book
The Little Book of Mary is a channelled work through author Leah Baldwin. Beautifully inspiring it gently encourages the reader to remember that they are divine Gods and Goddesses in their own right! Mary helps guide you to see the truth of your being and to remember your soul self; that part of you that is whole and connected to the Divine always.
Holy Communion is not beyond you. Begin to recognise this power within you and listen for and truly hear the words of wisdom and guidance that DOES get whispered to you in your silent moments, in your prayers and in the spaces between your ‘minds’ thoughts!
Remember yourself to be holy and divine. For you are much greater than you might currently think and all of Heaven is waiting for you to realize your full potential. Grow yourself into all that you can be and remember Joy, remember Love and remember who you truly are – now and always!
About the Author
LEAH BALDWIN is a qualified Acupuncturist, Yoga Instructor and published Author. She has dedicated herself to deepening her spiritual practices and cultivating divine communion through meditation. Committing to living a life following her heart, inner wisdom and the guidance given from the divine!