I would like to offer up this small channelling as an introduction to this work. I feel the words found within this one brief text encapsulate the essence of the entire book. Each time I read it myself it brings a tear to my eye and passion to my heart. It makes me wonder why I keep dropping back into my old patterns and behaviours, why do I sometimes not choose my greatest reality in each moment. Why is it so hard? The love that is expressed out to each and every soul through this channelling is truly palpable. It feels to me that they are saying directly to me - come home my friend, come home; journey with me and to me, we love you always, so come home to us dear friend, come home!!
Cycles of Perpetuation
Channelled on 13 November 2013
Beautiful child of light Divine, we come forth in this time, and in this hour, to speak of a love that radiates to you from the very heart of God himself. Dear child of light divine, we come to speak to you with much seriousness of the love that you are, of the light that you are, and of the beauty that dwells inside of each and every one of you. Waiting for the time when it will be called forth from the depths of you, to shine its light to all that would see you, to all that would feel you, and come to know you.
Look well within the self to discover a depth of truth. Look well within the self to discover a depth of remembrance. Look well within the depths of the self to discover a self not previously known to you, or recognized by you, but is indeed you. The real you. The self that you have been seeking. The self that you have been craving. The self that would satisfy and fulfil your every desire. The one that knows God to be its only source of joy, its only source of love and its only source of true fulfilment.
Dear Ones, look well within the self that you know, to find and discover the self that you do not yet know. The self that is eternal and everlasting. That radiates the love of God and the purity of divine grace. Dear Ones this self is within you, indeed it is you. Unobstructed by false perceptions, the need to be right, the need to control, the need to defend and the need to be better than, greater than, more accomplished than, more together than…
Greater than who?
Better than who?
Your brothers and your sisters that would come to you in the guise of many faces, and many names. The ones that would seem to be separate from you, apart from you, living a life different than you?
But I say unto you – these others that you seek to compete with are naught but you, are one and the same as you. They are not separate from you. They have originated from the same source, the same love, the same Father that would deliver you both unto this earth. The same Father that breathes the breath of life through each and every one of you. The same Father that pervades the very cells of the body, and the mind, and the heart of all that walk this earth.
You are this One, you are made from the very flesh that He is made from, from the very love that this flesh is. For all that you see is made from the very same love that radiates from the heart of Christ, and the heart of Holy Spirit, and the Holy Heart of the Father.
You are this One; you are made from the very cells that He is made from. The very molecules that gather to make flesh, to make life, are sent forth from this One. You are given life from this One, you are breathed into beingness from this One, you ARE his radiance. You ARE his love. You ARE his life and his joy – living, breathing, manifesting, and creating in Holy Perfection always.
The time comes for the One to see the many, to love the many, and recognize the many as being this Holy Perfection – no matter what the eyes would show you, and the mind would tell you – you are this Holy Perfection, and so is all that you see, and all who you know. You are all from this One great source and there is no difference between you.
Save that of your choices in manifested time and space. Save that of your remembrance of who you truly are. Save that of your choices in perception and belief. Save that of your willingness to look within and hear the call of the true self, the One that would have you know this truth, and grow this truth into a lived experience.
Dear Ones there is no difference between you, except that which you would project out of a falseness of perception onto that other one. Onto your brother or your sister, who then reacts within their falseness of perception, and perceived weakness, and being less than, weaker than. And so the cycle is perpetuated. But I say unto you – you are not these things.
You are that love that the Father is, you are the radiance that comes forth from this One, you are life itself, living, creating and manifesting, as this One does.
You are made in his image and likeness, “You… are… made… in… his… image… and … likeness” – YOU are made in his image and likeness!!
Know this!
Feel this!
Live this!
Create consciously and without limitation for the world surely is your oyster, and with the Holy Father at your side – what is it that you could not create? You could not experience? You could not bring into your field of awareness? Dear One you are unlimited by nature and it is you and you alone, that places limit upon who and what you can be. It is you that would have you stay in the cycle of needing to be better than, but feeling constantly less than.
I tell you there is no “need” for you already “are”, you just have to remember, to get back in touch with this truth and set yourself free from your burdens. Free from your anguish and free from your bondage. I tell you this; you are bound to no one and nothing. You are the Holy Son of God and you are free always – the degree to which you allow yourself to experience and feel this freedom is solely up to you.
It is you and you alone that places the limitations upon the self, places the conditions and the restrictions. It is you and you alone that holds you back from experiencing and therefore being all that God would have you be. You are the creator of your reality, of your daily experience, of your perceptions and your judgements. You are the creator of the very thoughts that you would have your mind think. So Dear One ask yourself truthfully, what would you have yourself create, what would you have yourself experience?
The greatness of the Father or the perpetuating cycles you have set yourself up in?
Would you seek now to discover the true self abiding within and remember the greatness that you are? Or would you have yourself remain in your smallness, in your weakness, and in your pain?
Would you seek now to expand the mind, and open to a possibility that you are greater than you would have yourself believe? That you are more than you have allowed yourself to experience. That you are the One and only begotten Son of God, there is no other, there is ONLY One and you are that One – you are One with your creator.
You are One with pure source and pure love and so is your brother, and your sister, for there is only One! Know this, trust this and come to live this, and you will come to know your full joy. To know your full power and capacity to love as the Father loves. To give as the Father gives, to be as the Father is – Holy and purely love – love without end and without condition, and without limitation. Love that is given freely for it knows it has no end. It knows that as it gives so does it receive. That as it receives so it is nourished by the love that it is, and so this cycle perpetuates upon itself, in an unending display of Holy love and Holy union – the two have become one and remembers itself to be naught but the love of the Father!!