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Your search for '<ISBN>' yielded 5 results:

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    ISBN Assignment

    We assign every book we publish a unique ISBN to make it easier for readers and retailers to find.
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    Frequently Asked Questions our customer support team by calling us at 844.682.1282, or visit our Contact Us page to submit your question. How can I get in touch with Balboa Press if I have questions that are not in the FAQ database? 1700
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    Designing Your Book person’s reputation Content that includes sex and drug paraphernalia What do you look for during content evaluation? We perform content evaluations on all books to maintain a standard of publishing for our authors’ work and to identify areas in your manuscript that could potentially put you at copyright and/or libel risk.  Why does my book undergo a content evaluation?
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    Printing Your Book process a large number of orders? Do you want the opportunity to sell a large number of books directly to customers? Do you want to lower your print cost to maximize your return on books you sell? If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, offset printing might be right for you. Call your Book Consultant to discuss your options.
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    Selling Your Book day. 500 If you have any additional questions about the Balboa Press bookstore, please contact customer support at 844.682.1282, or by email at What if I have a question that is not answered here? 1000