Large Image Scanning

$50.00 per Item

This service is for authors who want to include images larger than 27.9cm x 43.2cm in their books. These images can be black and white or color photographs and/or original artwork. Simply send in hard copies, which we will scan at 300 DPI, and appropriately insert into your manuscript.

Note: Please speak with your publishing consultant before ordering this service.

Ensure that your large images appear clear in your published book by purchasing this service. The typical timeline for this service is one to two weeks depending on the amount of images you need scanned.

Call 844.682.1282 to order

or speak to a Balboa Press team member for more information about this service

Disclaimer: Prices listed do not include applicable taxes (such as sales, use, excise, value-added, goods and services, or other tax), which will be added to the total at the time of purchase. Prices listed do include the copies of the book; the cost of shipping and handling will be calculated and charged after your book is made available for sale.