Affirmations for a Peaceful Life

Awakening From Within to Find Peace in a World Full of Chaos

by Sarah Malone

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/3/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 374
ISBN : 9798765252581
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 374
ISBN : 9798765252574

About the Book

Affirmations for a Peaceful Life is a book that brings the physical and spiritual world together in a straightforward and practical way. Throughout each chapter, Sarah will help you find peace in the inevitable chaos, heartbreak, and pain that we all encounter in life. Each affirmation will touch on a common universal human experience in life. From how to deal with people, to finding and hearing God, to experiencing success and abundance in life, you will be equipped with the wisdom and understanding on how to find peace in all of it. You will embark on a spiritual journey inward in order to come to peace with the circumstances of the world and how your ego can create suffering. Prepare yourself for some of the deepest universal truths and how to use them in your everyday life, in a straightforward way. These affirmations will evolve over time in your life and are timeless in how you can apply them to your life while also helping others. Peace, as a spiritual state, has never felt so simple.

About the Author

Sarah Malone is a clinical hypnotherapist and spiritual healer and teacher. She bridges the world of therapy and psychology with spirituality in a unique “no nonsense” kind of way. Sarah has been teaching, healing and public speaking for around five years and is the holistic therapist on TLC’s 90 Days Last Resort Season 2, has been featured in numerous magazines including P.O.W.E.R. magazine and hosts a Ignite the Spark Within podcast. Sarah hosts spiritual retreats and workshops and is recognized as “The Real Deal” in the healing and spirituality space. She is the owner of Spark: The Secret Place, a holistic & spiritual healing collective.