Life is a funny thing. We enter it alone. We leave it alone. And if we are lucky, we learn some stuff along the way. At its most basic, it is nothing more than a web of relationships, connections, and interactions with other humans, some deeply interwoven and others a mere blip on the radar.
The problem is, as a budding young adult, no one tells you about half the things you might encounter. As the interactions with others become more and more complex, we get caught up, lose our direction, stumble, fall, and sometimes we even fail. They say that life teaches us along the way, and like most people, I've learned lessons the hard way. But did it always have to be like that?! Maybe life, and people, should come with a manual, or some kind of guide. Something, right?
The following pages are about to disclose the things I wish I knew before I hit adulthood, or rather, before adulthood hit me. They are harsh truths and bold claims based on my experiences and the things I have observed in my life, so far.
You should know something before you continue reading, though. There is nothing that special about me. These lessons and observations are not unique to me, or anyone else for that matter. Now, if you don't take offense to this next part, or scoff in any way at the bomb I'm about to drop, then this book is for you. If you do, kindly put it down and walk away. No hard feelings. Okay? Here it is … you, friend, are not that special either. And that is the idea behind chapter one. If you've made it this far, then turn the page. Let's begin, shall we?
Chapter 1
You're not that special.
Warning! The audacity ahead is fierce, and it's not for the weak or tender-hearted. Prepare to potentially feel called out. Yes, you. Before you decide that I am the worst author to ever write anything of substance in the history of writing, try something for me. Wrap your head around the experiences that you've had so far in your lifetime. Think back. Like way back. It's A LOT. I know. But filter through it all; hit the highlights. The good. The bad. The ugly. All of it. Now, ask yourself this … are you special because of any of that? Are you special because you went through stuff? Are you special because, perhaps, you got a surprise Sweet 16 party, or a flat tire on the way to an interview, or even because you feel the need to be in the self-help section of your local bookstore? I am going to go ahead and answer for you. No, you're not. What does “special” even mean, anyway?
As young children, we are made to believe that we are special little people just for breathing and existing. For most of us, as we grow older, we begin to realize that some of the things we have been taught to believe are nothing more than false narratives, which slowly begin to give way to some really harsh truths. Some of the things we've been fed along the way were just a temporary shield from the real world. In some cases, a false sense of entitlement takes root as a result. So, then, when life throws us curve balls, we don't always know how to react. We default to wondering, “why me?” The problem is, not a single one of us is really that special … at least, not in the ways we were initially led to believe.
Don't get me wrong. When I say, “you're not that special,” it does not mean you're not worth knowing, or that you don't have anything cool to offer this crazy world. You may be an amazing music producer, a gifted interior designer, or a budding entrepreneur! Or maybe you can make delectable homemade lasagna, tap dance with the best of them, or are literally one of the greatest listeners on the planet. We all have our own set of talents, qualities, and quirks. Remember, the qualities you develop and the experiences you go through do not define you, nor do they solely belong to you; therefore, you're not alone in this thing called life.
You're not THAT special.
Essentially, the money in your account, the people you know, the diplomas on your wall, the drama in your life, the talents you possess, the successes (or failures) you've had, do not set you apart enough to exempt you from the basic fundamentals of life. No one is impermeable to them. We all put our pants on the same way, or at least close enough! The glaring truth is that there are great equivocators among us. Love, death, … taxes. You can always count on them! Seriously, though, there are things to which none of us are immune. Some may try to use everyday instances to stand out, gain notoriety, or even attract attention from others. And while we may be called popular, notorious, or even infamous because of those instances - we will never be that special because of them. Think about this, even the billionaires of the world have company at their level! There are just over 3,100 of them, and not even an insane amount of money gives them immunity from having to deal with all the things you and I have to deal with, especially the hard stuff, like having your heart broken or navigating loss.