Greetings And Salutations From The Realms Of
Light and to all of creation. We call ourselves the
Beings of Light as we serve light. Light is a supreme
consciousness. Light holds codes of activation.
The Realms of Light are a group of higher dimensional
planes of existence. We reside in these realms. We
provide service to humanity on the ascension journey.
Many are watching how the Earth proceeds and
evolves. There will be changes ahead for all on Earth.
Connecting with the Realms of Light is imperative for
those wishing to awaken.
The purpose of this book is to act as a guide of
understanding for those seekers of the light who require
the written word and choose to proceed with raising
their vibration to accompany Earth. In many places on
Earth people are waking up to higher awareness; yet they still need a nudge.
This book is a guide for those of humanity wanting
to raise their consciousness and those who will be able
to make the transition Earth is undertaking. There
are some who will choose to do this at a later point in
time as they may need more learning to do so. Our
intention is to help those on the cusp of awakening to
do so. Here is a way forward for those of you wanting
to awaken and expand consciousness. As Wayshowers
we have done this.
We are three Beings of Light that work together in
the Realms of Light and are giving this message to
humanity. The message that all is in order and that
Earth is making her transition to a higher frequency.
We encourage all that may make this transition with
Earth. She is in need of light.
Although the times on Earth are turbulent much
can be accomplished with light. Thoughts can change.
Hearts can open. Perceptions can change. There is more
light on planet Earth than previously and increased
light will be available to those who can connect with
the light. It is a conscious desire to do so that will bring
the light forward. As we have articulated for you, light
is alive, light is a living spirit. Light can be channeled.
Light can provide a cloak of protection. We say this,
light is generating more light in all that consciously call
light forward. We give our grateful acknowledgement
to all that read these words.
We ask that you be of service to the world in light filled
ways. Channeling the light is a great service to Earth
and humankind and to all the dwellers of Earth. We
are with you in light.
This generosity of spirit will be of benefit to many.