This book focuses on a very different resurrection from the one you probably think of when you hear this word. It most likely conjures an idea of transitioning from the deadness and death of this physical, earthly, human life to the next life—something many refer to as the afterlife—and returning to being a living entity. I will refer to this as Divine Resurrection, as it rests in the “hands” of God, not our own. It is a resurrection of the then and there, occurring in a place that humans often call heaven—the one made possible by the Love, Life, and Energy—God Is.
To be honest, I have no idea what form this afterlife will take. And I don’t believe that others who have sought to describe it do either. The limitations of our humanity prevent us from truly knowing what awaits us in our Divine Resurrection. This is no attempt at modesty or humility—just an acknowledgement that God is beyond our full human comprehension. We can be guided by the awareness of what God Is, but we can’t determine the manifestation of the Love, Life, and Energy that are the makings of the afterlife and heaven any more than we could have captured the manifestation of God’s handiwork before the creation of humanity and all of the gifts that we have been given on this planet, since its beginning.
What I can say is that the manifestation of the afterlife will be incredible and beyond our dreams and capacity to imagine. What makes me say that? Just take a look at what has been given to us in this earthly realm. All of the incredible manifestations of life unfolding over millions of years, within Evolution and the Wisdom of the Ages. All of it rooted in the Love, Life, and Energy—God Is. We can see in all of it the Divine Truth that has always been playing out before our eyes—even though we often fail to recognize it. In all of God’s creation, we can see the evidence that life beyond this life will be an incredible continuation of our individual and collective journey that will address all concerns, including concern for our loved ones who have journeyed forth in their Divine Resurrection.
The resurrection I’m calling attention to is our earthly resurrection. You’re likely to be unfamiliar with this concept of resurrection, as the only one you know is the one that involves transitioning beyond this life to the next—Divine Resurrection. Also, until now, your understanding of resurrection has probably been limited to resurrection in the physical sense, in which we arise from the death of our bodies, while failing to recognize that deadness often exists in our mental, emotional, and spiritual being even though we are physically alive—on earth. This deadness can be rooted in our ego energy and manifested in our inhumanity to ourselves or others, which I will have much more to say about later when discussing the Truth of You.
By opening your eyes to the opportunity for earthly resurrection, you can know the great life you are meant to live—here and now, not just then and there! The Love, Life, and Energy—God Is would not place our access to the great life on hold until we die. Neither should you, through ignorance of God, Ego, and You. Earthly resurrection lies directly in your hands, if you commit to getting to know the Truth of what God is, Ego is, and You are. It is a resurrection that can take place in the here and now, not in the there and then of Divine Resurrection. You can bring it about by arising from the deadness of your inhumanity to the lifefulness of your humanity being lived in concert with your Divinity—here on earth.