Messages & Reminders from D.p. — Divine parent

Volume I

by Dr. Sherrilyn Kirchner

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/3/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9798765237083
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9798765237076
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9798765237090

About the Book

D.p. - Divine parent - is an icon that represents the ideal parental figure, one that is all-loving and all-accepting. D.p. was created to help you remember who you truly are so that you can embrace the Divine creative powers within you. In this series, this loving symbol offers up Messages & Reminders to guide you along your journey. Once you understand the concepts laid out in this book, you can begin to implement certain practices that will help you achieve your desired reality. D.p. is with you every step of the way, teaching you new principles and encouraging you to hone that which you already know. D.p. supports your enlightenment and your empowerment. But it is up to you to take the necessary steps. Remember, D.p. loves you unconditionally and wants to see you flourish.

About the Author

Dr. Sherrilyn Kirchner (Dr. K.) is a metaphysician and owner/founder of Holistic Life Source. She works as an online life coach, holistic counselor, and meditation instructor. She offers a Self-Mastery video series, a D.p. video series, and other enlightening materials on her website: She dedicates her time to teaching Self-Mastery techniques through multiple formats to best help her clients holistically evolve into their truest selves.