The future of healing energy research.
In the twentieth-century, we have begun to explore a universal model, based upon Einsteinian relativity: a complex and interconnected universe of particle and energy fields, in which matter and energy are interconvertible. We are finally coming to accept the probability that universal systems are interactive, and that we, human beings, are an integral part of these systems—and of the whole.
Recently, in a lecture for the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, Dr. Larry Dossey recounted an old story that is a metaphor for man’s progress toward understanding universal laws:
“There was once an argument among the gods over where to hide the secret of life so that men and women would not find it. One god said: Bury it under a mountain; they will never look there. No, the others said, one day they will find ways to dig up mountains and will uncover it. Another said:
Sink it in the depths of the ocean; it will be safe there. No the others objected, humans will one day find a way to plumb the ocean's depths and find it easily. Finally another god said: Put it inside them; men and women will never think of looking for it there. All the gods agreed, and so that is how the secret of life came to be hidden within us. (Dossey, 1998)
I believe that we are now approaching the time when we will finally unlock our inner wisdom, learn to look inside of ourselves for the secret of life, and therefore honor our interconnectedness to everything in the universe. We will then understand our influence on all persons and things around us. We will become aware that our emotions and thoughts play a major role in our physical health. Energy healing will then cease to be considered paranormal; rather, we will come to re-discover an ancient wisdom: the truly effective way to treat physical illness is through comprehension of the human being as a whole
Universal Energy
When Albert Einstein wrote the equation, “E = mc2,” he threw science into a tailspin. He postulated that there was no difference between matter and energy. Matter, as well as energy, is composed of various particles. If the particles stick together, the result is matter; if they do not, the result is energy. One is always a form of the other.
We, human beings, are matter which result from the combination of complex fields of life-energy that are coextensive with the universe. Human beings are maintained by an ocean of nutritious energy, comparable to the amniotic liquid in which a fetus floats.
The old scientific idea that the world is made up of purely solid material has disappeared; that idea has been replaced by a new concept of the universe filled with, up till now, unimaginable energy. As part of that universe, we no longer conceive of our world, and therefore ourselves, our physical bodies, as purely solid matter.
We are daily breaking the boundaries of the spaces surrounding and within our planet. Increasingly advanced technology is employed to research the sub-microscopic, internal spaces of physical matter. We are moving to a multidimensional appreciation of the space-time continuum and matter-energy interactions heretofore unknown.
Einstein’s vision of a complex universe with time and energy fields extending through space (i.e., the existence of a life energy flowing through and around all of us) is a hypothesis that cannot be completely observed by present-day scientific instruments. Its constituents are not solely formed from alpha, beta or gamma radiation, from electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) or from electrostatic, ultrasonic, gravitational or magnetic energy: It is a form of energetic behavior that is largely undiscovered by science and which exceeds the limitations of all known sensor technology.
We are so conditioned to consider only what we can see, touch, or measure that we hardly give any thought to this latter universe of energy, and what life energy means within its context. However, today’s researchers are spending a great deal of time studying the human energy field and how it affects our physical body.
Human Energy
The existence of a human energy field cannot be denied. Its influence on the physical body has been measured by devices like the electroencephalograph (EEG), the electrocardiograph (ECG/EKG), and the SQUID (a highly sensitive magnetometer).
Researchers like Robert O. Becker, M.D. (a professor of orthopedic surgery, formerly at the State University of New York Health Science Center in Syracuse and the author of Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of life), measured patterns of direct current electricity that flow over and through the body. Dr. Becker showed that the pattern, shapes and strengths of the body’s complex electrical field change with physiological and psychological changes. He conducted a series of studies documenting the presence of electromagnetic energy in the body. He found that the meridians are actually electrical conductors that carry messages of injury and pain to the brain. The brain responds by sending back to the injured area a current, which is really a message about how to stimulate healing. This subtle energy has not, as yet, been scientifically proved; however, emerging research, similar to Dr. Becker’s, continues to unfold its reality.
Many of us (indeed, most of us) cannot visualize the human energy field. I am sure; however, many of us have felt its presence, although we may have been unable to fully describe it. Do you remember the last time that you were in someone’s presence and, before any words had been said, you knew something was wrong? At that moment, you were experiencing that person’s energy field. How many times have you been feeling depressed and, after being in the presence of someone who is very happy and energetic, you discover that you are feeling substantially elevated in mood? Is the happiness “contagious”? No, it is the interpersonal interaction of human energy fields that produces the effect.