Part 2: Spirit Dynamics
Chapter 13
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
“How you vibrate is what the universe echoes back to you in every moment.” Panache
We are creating our life experiences all the time. However, without a deep, felt and conscious connection with the causal field of our being – our Spirit, we are creating life, unconsciously. The human energy body is activated and raised through our awareness. When it is raised, we communicate and consciously connect with Spirit. The first step in accessing this flow and all the beauty and ease that it brings, is to reclaim our awareness from the blinding binds of busy modern life and to rotate it inwards to where all the real action is taking place. It doesn’t mean we disassociate from our modern lives, quite the contrary. The challenge is to reset how we perceive it and how we engage with it.
Our life experience is our teacher and our greatest opportunity to express creatively. It emanates from our inner state, reflecting back to us the beliefs and resonance of our energy body. And when we are out of alignment with our truth, when our unconscious beliefs and fears are influencing what we are experiencing, we perceive those experiences as working counter to us, blocks, bad luck, or fate. Moreover, the emotional energy that judging these experiences generates, that we so easily label as ‘anger’, ‘frustration’, ‘dislike’, is actually a reservoir of energy made available by our system to disrupt the prevailing pattern and emanate a new one. The most efficient way to reclaim our ability to witness what’s actually happening, free from unconscious biases, and to direct the energy generated from it, is through the art of meditation.
Metaphysics is the study of coherence between our individual vibrational field and wider and wider vibrational fields of life. When the heart (emotional field), mind (conscious and unconscious), choices (will in action) are aligned we send out an harmonic vibration into this field and experience life correspondent to that vibration – in other words, we consciously create.
When we are not aligned, we create a dissonant vibration which is then experienced as dissonant experiences. We are shown the dissonance ‘outside of us’ – triggers, obstacles, illness etc…as a means of signalling the dissonance within, to our conscious minds, to then take action on our inner ground.
Life is a magic mirror yet, for many of us, we have grown up believing that the reflection in the mirror is reality. We judge that reflection constantly, without the inner understanding that we generate the light show of the reflection. We are constantly waiting for the reflection to smile at us first.
Some of you may be asking at this point, well if we are causal to our life experience, then how and why would a little girl manifest something as intense and challenging as blood cancer for example? And the same question may be asked of any person who has suffered trauma, chronic illness, serious accidents etc…To be honest don’t have an exact answer to this question, but I do have some ideas on it from what I have experienced in sessions. Karma, lineage trauma, past lives, collective energies, like what we are experiencing with the pandemic recently, influence our reality in very real ways. Yet, it still all boils down to what your perspective, belief system and emanations are doing right now. It is this that heals and positively influences life experience and also contributes a very different reality and power into that karmic field, family lineage, and the collective.
Another way to express this idea is that we exist in a hologram of potentialities, intricate weaves of information in the form of vibrating energy. We are not separate from anything. All is interconnected, or rather reflections and refractions of light. Depending on what we are focusing on (either consciously or unconsciously) and feeding with our life force through thoughts, feelings and actions, these potentialities, start to gather into possibilities and then probabilities of phenomenal experience. In my energy sessions I can psychically perceive this tunnelling within and around the client. A potential move to a new home or country, a very new conception even before the mother is aware she is pregnant; a successful upcoming IVF cycle, months before conception, a new career opportunity arriving unexpectedly, a potential misunderstanding or conflict, are all vibrating and changing potentialities. The greater the application of mind and energy of the client (even if unconsciously) to any of these potentialities, the stronger the probability is of the occurrence. Nothing is ‘fixed’ or ‘fated’. At any moment we can change the trajectory of this tunnelling into our phenomenal experience.
Healing and manifestation happen when we master our awareness and resonance, when we bring to light what we’re really buying-into and what we’re charging with the voltage of our energy body, our repeated thoughts, our patterned behaviours. Being Spirited is when we start to consciously choose what we are ‘giving life to’. With mastered awareness and coherent and raised resonance (feeling), we transform potential, into possibility and then into probability and we’re guided into and through the creation dance by our intuition. Because the potentialities are not yet experienceable and therefore out of reach of our mundane senses, our intuition is tapping the dynamics of our field of potential and is constantly guiding us.
So, it’s worth jumping into what exactly is, intuition. Far from being some witchy, rare skill, born into a handful of pure bloodlines on the planet and exclusive to a few…intuition is your birth right. You are born with all eight intuitive senses and an intelligent, vibrating system that signals through all of them. You just need to remember how to use them, consciously, that is!