When Silence Speaks

Messages from the Heart

by Cit Ananda

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/11/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9798765239209
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9798765239186
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9798765239193

About the Book

Poetry slides in the front door and stays for a while, pulling up a chair in the Heart.

Reading the mystic poetry in When Silence Speaks: Messages from the Heart is like the best friend you haven’t seen in years entering through the front door of your soul.Each poem approaches from a different angle, shepharding you to surrender as you embrace these transcendent poems, like the scent of roses, into your Heart. Experiences are played with, spun on a prayer wheel of words, revealing a deeper, truer purpose, and unraveling the sacred mystery of life. Reading this collection is like hearing the whispers of a loved one and feeling the gentle touch of their nurturing hand on your shoulder as you sit together in silence, without any need for words to know each other’s Heart, to hear each other’s prayers. These poems are that close, guiding you to discover the inherent Divinity within your humanity.

“Cit Ananda has gifted us all with her exquisite poems, channeled from Source and ready to lead each reader into the transcendence all around us.” ~ Donna Baier Stein, Publisher of Tiferet Journal

About the Author

Cit (pronounced Chit) Ananda incarnated with the given name of Risa, chosen to honor her Aunt Rose and Rïsa Stevens, the Russian opera singer. “Sonrisa” is also the word for laugh or smile in Spanish. Within this name is captured the radiant Love that inspired creation with its magnificent roses and thorns, the power of sound, vibration, and chant as well as the inherent Joy of Truth. Roses, songs, and laughter, a powerful trinity for which she is deeply grateful.

A deep inquiry into what it means to be human opened in Cit Ananda’s Heart early. Her curiosity for something-greater-than-we-can-perceive was fostered as a perfect path unfolded and the most magnificent teachers swept across her trail. She has studied TriYoga® with Kaliji, opening to the flow of innate intelligence as it moves through the body. She has spent endless hours imbibing Satsang with Devaji, transforming the events of daily life into purposeful Self-reflection, receiving the Beloved’s gifts for their hidden offerings, often in plain view. And she has been given children to love and adore. As any parent knows, her spiritual practice has consequently deepened.

Cit Ananda also loves to explore the world of medicinal plants, tinctures, and salves, marveling at the magical beauty, both physically and metaphorically, of these masterpieces of creation for their capacity as agents of transformation and healing, and as messengers of Divine Wisdom.

Her childhood longing to understand the purpose of life continually blossoms into a recognition of the unity of Creation, sourced by the One cause, the cause with no prior cause, so it can experience Itself in form as giver and receiver of Love.

Today she lives in flow, receiving the Divine Human and the Radiant Oneness in whatever rhythm unfolds by Divine Grace with her Beloved husband and two phenomenal children near the Sawtooth and Pioneer mountains in Idaho. They share their home with their affectionate fox-red lab, Lava, a rescued calico bunny named Beach, and a frisky feline friend, Pluto aka Kitty Kitty Wootananda, not to mention the spiders, dust mites, and other unseen critters who also call our Earth home. Her work is forthcoming and/or has been published in Mountain Path, Tiferet Journal, Amethyst Review, Soul-Lit, and OFFERINGS: A Spiritual Poetry Anthology. You can listen to Cit Ananda’s published works on her website at www.BeingCitAnanda.com/publications.