Botched Beauty

The good, the bad, the ugly consumer's saftey guidebook

by Brittney Jack CMP CMA COE C-MNT

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/24/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9798765248669
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9798765248676
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9798765248652

About the Book

Consumer’s safety guidebook to make an educated choice on where to get beauty services & avoid botched treatments in an unregulated industry. Help bring awareness to the dangers of non standard spas operating in your area and key red flags to look out for when you are choosing a beauty professional to care for your beauty enhancement needs. Why education is so important to avoid botched beauty treatments or inflict life-threatening injuries with compromised clients through bacterial/viral infections. Help raise the standards in the industry for your overall health and safety with sanitization/sterilization practices that exceeds the insanely low standards in beauty establishments today!

About the Author

Meet Brittney Jack CMP,CMA,COE,C-MANT Founder of Beast 2 Beauty Bar Meet Brittney Jack, the founder and treatment professional at Beast 2 Beauty Bar. She was nominated for the People’s Choice Awards (small business) for 4 years in a row since 2019-2022. Brittney believes in supporting her clients in their overall desire to let their beauty shine through their wellness, for the whole body. While philosophy is the comprehensive study of general and fundamental knowledge and existence, rest assured that it does not describe Brittney Jack in any form. Brittney is a firm believer in achieving, engaging, and accomplishing. She believes that each of us can defy the odds, work hard, and thrive. Brittney believes that you can rise above your story, or any disability you may have, to become all you are intended to be. On her journey, she realized that thinking of only yourself doesn’t accomplish the goals she has set. Being your best and helping others is a huge part of her defined opportunities. Brittney was injured at the age of 21 in a mill where she worked while earning money to attend Beauty School. After 16 surgeries and few other hoops, she jumped through; she completed her studies in Esthetics and Nails in 2016. Since then, Brittney has completed advanced education in foot care; massage therapy, and specialized skincare for diabetes and geriatric clientele. She has a tenacious attitude that keeps her on track and never looking back.