Alchemist V

And His Power Over Life, Love And Death

by Jack Groverland

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/21/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781982267872
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781982267865
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781982267858

About the Book

Alchemist V is a novel that reveals the true identity of V and his amazing powers. It is a story of intrigue, suspense and paranormal mystery, with a touch of wry humor. It involves a priest who has lost his faith, a Hollywood actor on the verge of stardom, a millennial girl in search of life’s meaning, an old detective who is both cunning and senile, and the Alchemist V who has been alive since the ninth century, living in stolen bodies down through the ages. The chance meeting of these characters and their subsequent relationships result in mayhem, lust, murder, love and transcendental magic. You will be shocked over and over again as you try to anticipate what will happen next in this wonderfully twisted thriller about people trying to hold on to their views of reality. Your own views will be seriously challenged by V.

About the Author

In a deep dream I saw an Alchemist, his back to me, speak an indistinguishable chant to a wilted, dead rose. Instantly it returned to life, radiantly beautiful again. Then the Alchemist spoke in a strange base voice, stating, "I am V"-- and he disappeared. I woke up knowing he wanted me to write his story.