The Relevance of Belief in Cancer Treatment

by Fernando Urioste

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/5/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781982222857
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781982222840

About the Book

Relevance offers help and provides hope to people that are overwhelmed by an “I have cancer awakening.” Fernando Urioste story shows that the medical sciences and technology play a significant role in the healing process but do not exist in a vacuum. They are part of a multidimensional belief consciousness that emerges, coalescing to help the afflicted individual’s fight for his or her life. Having experienced this in the flesh, Fernando hopes that his tale helps demonstrate to others the positive spirit needed for the healing process to succeed when fighting cancer.

Relevance is not a technical book about cancer or a manual on cancer treatments available. Rather, it is a tale of the spiritual side on the difficult healing journey that an afflicted person undertakes when treating cancer, about the importance of the support provided by family and friends, about the belief that one’s future is not lost, faith in God’s Providence, and of most importance, one’s desire to live. All of this against the backdrop of the amazing medical science and technology administered by doctors, nurses, technicians and support staff of the institutions that provide cancer treatment.

About the Author

Fernando Urioste studied psychology and was working on his Ph.D. dissertation when he started working for a construction company. He went from being a laborer sweeping floors to a project director responsible for billion-dollar construction projects. He retired in 2016 after thirty-eight years of service having specialized in airport construction for twenty years. He lives in Weston, Florida, with his wife, Cecilia.