Chapter 20
True Happiness
Some people spend their entire life in the search of true happiness. I often hear people say that there is no such thing as happiness. It is just an illusion.
On the other hand, when I look at people like Dalai Lama, I see the contrary - a joyful and full of love person. Then I ask myself the question what makes him experience it. After many years of search and work with myself I discovered that this is our true nature. We were born with the intention to have a peaceful and happy life. However, the rules that we follow lead us in the wrong direction. We follow the interests of people who wish for us to be in a constant search of something that is never achievable - outside of us. After eleven years of trying to learn more about myself and working with myself I discovered that there is such thing as true happiness. It comes from within and we have the right to be happy.
There is a big misunderstanding that the more objects you possess, the happier you are. All of that creates only suffering. First you need to choose what you wish to buy then you spend time and money to buy it. All of this is to create a short-term excitement. After that you get bored of that item and you wonder how to get rid of it. You keep accumulating stuff at your home and at some point, you feel that there is too much and sometimes you can’t handle all of that mess. You may feel stressed and even anxious. People in Northern America have garage sales to sell and declutter all that they don’t need. Eventually, all of this becomes a vicious cycle. You spend time and money, you use the item for a bit and then you waste time to sell it. This materialism leads to frustration and causes some mental disbalances.
On the other hand, there are people who travel a lot in the search of happiness. Each time there is a long weekend or a vacation they prefer to run away from home so they find what they were never able to get at home. There are people who are constantly on the road and sometimes they don’t even remember where they were and what they did but they believe that this is what brings true happiness. If I am honest, I used to believe that I find happiness only when I visit different places. I often became disappointed by the fact that I didn’t get what I needed. Until one day, I realized that my focus was in the wrong direction and I needed to reorient myself.
Have you ever asked yourself what truly matters to you and what you really need? If the answer comes from your heart, then most probably that is the path to follow. If it comes from your mind and the ego that constantly asks for something, then you may need to reconsider other opportunities.
A person who is connected to God, to the heart, who wishes only the best for himself or herself and others, who is there to serve and support others, who lives life purposefully is a happy person. At the same time someone who is disconnected from the true Self and only focuses on the material will constantly lack something. You need to achieve balance in order to get the best of life.
A millionaire, who possesses all of the material objects which he or she desires, may still suffer because of the lack of true friendships. On the other hand, a happy person who is on the spiritual path, but completely separated from the material world may also suffer because of the lack of money. In other words, it is our true nature to have abundance of happiness and prosperity as long as we know how to find balance. For example, one of my friend’s son recently started a business that is growing very well. The person, however, doesn’t think only about himself. He makes money but he shares with others. He does different acts of kindness by donating money to the needy ones and by paying other people’s bills unexpectedly. There is nothing wrong to ask the Universe for more but first of all appreciate what you have now. Be happy and express gratitude for the magnificent people you are surrounded by and all that you possess. By asking for more we are not depleting others from good fortune. There is enough for everyone. As long as we know how to ask. If we are constantly in a mode of asking, the Universe will interpret our messages as we are not content with what we have and it will expect the same from us. If we are there to serve with our actions, it will provide us with all we need.
There are cases when people are jealous of people’s success. This is what prevents them from having more. Jealousy is a form of lack and unappreciation. This is not a feeling of high frequency which means that you will be stuck in the lower vibrations and you will never get what you want. You need to free yourself up from everything that drains you and lowers your vibration. If you wish to have a fulfilling life, full of true joy, happiness, abundance in any aspect of life, you need to connect with God, with the Source. This is why we are here - to learn through our mistakes and discover a life full of miracles that will inspire us to provide a better service to everyone including ourselves.
Spirituality and abundance are intertwined. By focusing on yourself, you discover the world around you. You see the magnificence in every living being and in any form of life that exists. When there is abundance we can reach more people and share our wisdom. As a result there is less suffering and we make the world a better place for everyone. Therefore, reaching a balance of both and using them skillfully is a way to improve your life and the life of others.
Compassion, care and kindness are some of the common traits of true spiritual teachers who serve and help those in need. People like Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and Dalai Lama have done so much for the world. They have helped people open their eyes and be the ones who they were born to be. They shared their experience, some of their material possessions, their knowledge to show to everyone that if they were able to achieve true happiness, everyone can do it. It is all about being willing to change and transform your life and the life of others for the better.
We tend to complain when something doesn’t work well. Instead of doing so, use this opportunity as a reflection to notice what you are doing wrong and see what can be done differently so that you have a happy and joyful life. You have the power to change your life. Be patient and persistent in your search of the truth and listen to the wisdom that comes from within! This is the key to true happiness.