My Thoughts Become Your Thoughts

Hearing the Voice of God

by Tracy Menchenton

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/23/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781982213541
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781982213527
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781982213534

About the Book

The existence of life's Presence within you, the Kingdom of God, was never intended to be a mystery. And Eternal life is to be experienced now in this Present moment of life's only reality.

Your life's Conscious-driven purpose was predestined before you were ever born. It has always existed within you, ready to be revealed; you just had to come into the light of awareness of its existence.

This is the Practice of Awakening Your Mind to Your True Identity, Life's Calling, and Your Inspired Purpose: The Minds Renewal Is the Path to Your New Transformation

You are not who you think you are ….

Your mind's false self-awareness has separated you from the Presence of life. In your separation from life's only reality, this Present time, you have created a false self-identity or ego. This ego continues to lead you astray from life's Presence by seeking for more beyond this Present moment, the only reality of life's existence. Transcend your mind's false self-awareness to the higher state of Consciousness, the awareness of your Oneness with life's Presence. Know your true identity, your Oneness with the Author and Perfecter, the Creator of all life.

The end of all suffering ….

You hold the key to your inner peace, the end of your mental suffering.

You are not your thoughts, the thinking and rationalizing mind, but you are the observing or witnessing Presence within. Know your mind's right standing position, its correct alignment with Consciousness, the awareness of life's Presence in the here and now of reality. Learn to become free from the mind's attachment to the intellect and put an end to all your suffering.

Life has a purpose for you ….

Predestined before the foundation of the earth, life's unfolding script had a unique role for you to play. You were created with a longing desire within to know your inner purpose, something much greater than you could imagine for this life.

You were created with the secret of your identity and purpose hidden within you, waiting to be revealed.

Life is calling you, drawing you inward to an awareness of your true self and to fulfill its destiny, and there is no greater time than now.

The New Beginning

Are you ready, child? To take the journey of life as I have set it out, just for you? Hold fast, for there is much to learn, much to teach you. Lend an ear to Me. I will fill you up, for wisdom only comes with reverence. Ask, and you shall receive. I give all to My children who reverence Me. Do not go outside of life's existence, but remain in the Present with Me. I shall surely reveal to you My unfolding plans for your life's purpose, your great destiny!

About the Author

Tracy Menchenton with more than twenty years experience in law enforcement felt internally driven at a young age to explore and investigate the darkened mind of the unconscious experience. As she recounts in this eloquent case for seeking the Presence of God, her personal journey unfolds to the supernatural awakenings of the voice of God within. Losing all identity of who she thought to be, having suffered through many personal trials of her life, she surrendered her false self awareness and sought to find God in the midst of her pain. For purely altruistic reasons through the Divine calling and greater purpose, she was guided along in Spirit to write the wisdom of this book.
Tracy Menchenton lives in Calgary Alberta with her young and vibrant daughter, and their rescued dog, Rosa. She is currently writing a sequel to My Thoughts Become Your Thoughts.