Parental Curse

The Chains of Incestuous Slavery (The Physical Effects)

by Bethonie Rose

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/30/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781504316385
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781504316378

About the Book

As a small child, you learn to accept whatever treatment is dished out to you. That was how it was for Bethonie Rose, who only started to question the way she was brought up when it was too late. In this memoir, she recalls walking away from her family after coming to terms with its sexual enslavement of female members. One of her most important realizations was that predators—be they parents, siblings or caregivers—all tell you that you are so important to them, but the bottom line is how they feel is what’s most important. Therefore, they keep trying to guide you to make them feel good, which results in you feeling shattered. With heart-breaking honesty, the author reveals how her brother sexually abused her while her parents looked the other way to maintain the illusion of being an upstanding family. Join the author on a journey of self-discovery that exposes the dark nature of sexual abuse and leaves her questioning all she was taught.

About the Author

Bethonie Rose is a naturopathic doctor and certified nutritional consultant specializing in food allergies and behavioral problems. She has had her own practice for many years helping with mind, body, and soul. She is also a qualified flower essence practitioner, qualified in remedial massage and body work, and is an experienced iridologist.