[Discussion by author]
Over the years, I have tried to make sense of our world and the difference between this world and the world of God, our Creator. My conclusion is that they both cannot be real, existing in the same space in time, because they are diametrically opposed to one another. The realm, or the place that God resides, has to be pure, perfect, full of love, comfort, joy and bliss; so I would imagine. Our world turns out to be mad, chaotic, imperfect, and full of fear, leading to hatred, suffering, and war. Therefore, one world has to be a false world. This startling conclusion troubled me for many years, for it also meant that God could not have created our world. I wanted to believe in God, but my loving God would never create such ugliness for his beloved to experience. There had to be another answer!
I began to reason that our physical world must be an alternate reality of some kind. But how did it come about, and why? So began my quest to answer the larger, seemingly unanswerable, thought provoking questions. What created our world, our Universe? Where did we really come from? What is our purpose here? Is it just me, or is it “human nature” to question our existence?
“What if” we are not who we think we are? “What if” this false alternate reality was like a movie and “we” are simply taking on the role of acting out in it. Let’s call this movie “The Great Contrast”; an epic adventure of what it would be like to experience life on the other side of Heaven. “What if” we divvied out parts in this movie where some of us could play the director, some producer, some set designer, inventor, stagehand, lead actor, etc. etc. What if “we” are really one, playing all these roles. Or, “what if” this is all just a big dream, a nightmare even?
If God didn’t create this place, then who or what did, and for what purpose? Since “we” are so intricately involved in this world, “we” must have had a hand in creating it, regardless of whether you believe this is an epic movie or a dream! But who are “we”? What does it mean to be mortal or human? What do we really know about life and about death?
More and more modern humans are of the mindset that we are more than our physical bodies. In fact, entire cultures and religions believe in reincarnation in one form or another. Those who believe that “we have been here before”, also believe that “we” are not our physical bodies and that “we” are spirits incarnate. Therefore, the “I” and the “we” must be spiritual and not physical. The problem is that most people stop short of spiritual identification because they have a difficult time disassociating with the physical body that “we” have adopted here on Earth. Herein lies the problem…
If you study people who associate more with their spiritual body than they do their physical body, you will most likely find a person who has more peace and contentment than those who spend all their attention on the physical. The reason is because most of our dramas in life spawn out of our heavy association with the physical world. When you embrace your spiritual being, you are happier because you can live more fully in the moment. You find joy in even the smallest of places. You are less likely to live in fear because you do not dwell with what the future may bring. You live in the here and now. Living in the now moment enables us to disassociate with our physical-ness and we are less likely to worry about dying because we understand that “we” are something more than our bodies.
Most scientist today theorize that the human body, and indeed the human brain, could not have progressed naturally to the state in which we find ourselves. Not enough Earth-time could have elapsed for us to evolve to this point, they would argue. The question always comes down to; did we human beings have help in our evolution of physical development and intelligence? And if the speculative answer is “yes”, then who or what helped us? “What if” that help came from outside our world, from “Aliens”? But who are the Aliens, and why would they want to help us?
In “What If”, I will raise many points in hopes of having you question your current thoughts on these subjects. If you will keep an open mind, you will be in a better position to determine if any of this resonates with you or not. At the very least, what I have ended up with in this essay was written with the best and purest of intentions, taking you on a journey of ideas about who we are, where we came from, and what may be our purpose here. I trust that you will enjoy the ride!