My Love Story

Book of Poetry

by Marty Cole

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/8/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781982200657
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781982200664
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781982200640

About the Book

Marty’s second book, My Love Story: Book of Poetry, will move, touch, and inspire you to find your creative self through his wisdom. He wrote 110 poems in three months, feeling an extraordinary waterfall of energy flowing through him that was channeled from spirit. The book is divided into six areas of life: love, inspiration, gratitude, wisdom, joy, and peace. By reading this book, you will understand the meaning of life and find the purpose of why you are here and what it’s all about. My Love Story: Book of Poetry is all about love. The book will give you a road map of experiences to teach you to go deeper into your life—to have the most creative life possible. What this book is really telling you is to have fun in your life. It’s all about having fun. Whatever negative experiences we all have had, turn them into a positive lifestyle for yourself. We all have a choice—come from love or come from fear. Please spread love to yourself and others. Love, blessings, and gratitude, Marty Cole

About the Author

He has had an amazing life of adventure, challenge and empowerment. Marty Cole is a 3-time cancer survivor. He was a community group leader for 11 years. He is a teacher, now, for over 4 years at California State University, Fullerton - Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the Ruby Gerontology Center, Fullerton, California. His motto is: Spread love and gratitude every day to yourself and others. More information: visit