Earth & Soul Poems 1

The Quest of Me

by Lydie Feltgen

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/28/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781982233105
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781982233112

About the Book

A selection of 32 poetry texts. In this first publication of her writings, Lydie Feltgen takes you from the observation of nature’s most simple mysteries straight into the depth of human soul evolution. A hymn to the Feminine and a testimony about a woman’s journey towards emotional autonomy. This collection gives encouragement to those who are searching and on their way to themselves. It conveys a profound insight about the subtle alchemy of hope and change. Beautifully stated, each piece is a healing meditation, following it’s own rhythm, where the encounter with “what is” leads to a crossroads and a new path is laid out, a new choice is offered.

About the Author

She had not planned it. As she sat with the ashes, a sudden breeze blew flames upon hidden embers. Shining light on the faces sitting around her creative fire. The scientist, the traveller, the mother, the manager, the teacher, the wife, the hiker. And the child. They started feeding the fire, with their only possessions: quest, beauty, honesty, gentleness, sensitivity, pain, endurance, playfulness. In her turn, she threw her words into the centre. And poetry happened. And she decided to pass it on.

Dr. Lydie Feltgen is a writer, scientist and therapist. Her profound and spiritual connection to nature has taken her from mountain ecology to natural building and finally to MLC©, a holistic somatic therapy.

Born in Luxembourg, she grew up with 3 languages and if asked where she’s from she will say “Europe!”.
From 2004 she’s been connecting people, teaching and project managing within the European earth construction network. Hence English became her fourth language.
From 2015 she’s been exploring new horizons with evolutionary astrology, complex PTSD and body-mind therapies. And in her own inner work and effort to create change, finally reconnecting with her calling to write.