The Eye Within the Soul; 9 Principles of Creating the Life You Desire

by Sinead O' Hare

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/22/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781504379717
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781504379700

About the Book

Are you ready to change and create the life you have always imagined? If you are ready to change your life, then this is the book for you; it is passionate, compelling, heartfelt. It challenges you to do the work yourself and search for the eye within the soul to find the answers that you need. Sinead talks about life experiences growing up in Northern Ireland and the challenges she had endured in her life. She talks from her personal and professional knowledge as a psychotherapist, and she puts all this together to help you create the life that you desire. By using these secrets of personal and professional success, she will challenge you to be honest with yourself. It will take you through a journey of learning how to stop being a victim of other people’s actions and circumstances, how to love yourself, how to forgive, and how to use other success principles like the law of attraction, visualization, affirmations, and change of how you think about things and much, much more. It’s your own personal therapy session.

About the Author

Sinead O' Hare is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker/ Psychotherapist, reiki Practitioner who has used her own life experience growing up in Northern Ireland in the midst of what was called the 'Troubles', the war between the English and the Irish, along with other traumatic life experiences including drugs, death and more and used her life experiences to heal from within and grow and has always known that her higher purpose was to serve others and help others heal from trauma and create amazing lives for them selves from within. Sinead has backpacked through Thailand, Australia and traveled to many other counties. Sinead was born and raised in Northern Ireland and moved to America in her 20's and has pursued her dream of becoming a therapist and Author. Sinead works with victims of crime and forensics with individuals who have mental health issues and addictions who are involved in the criminal justice system. Sineads Mission is to help others achieve inner peace and happiness and create greatness.