When you think of feng shui, what comes to mind? You might think of it as a mysterious and ancient art form practiced in a far- away land. Or perhaps as a sophisticated method of organizing your home, your life, and your space, that takes years to learn and decades to master. Maybe you recently came across an article in your favourite design magazine or blog and now you want to learn more, and are a little feng shui curious.
Guess what!? Being curious is a great place to be, because it means you’re open-minded and a little feng shui might be just what your life needs right now. This book is here to help you demystify and start using this ancient art today. Yes, feng shui has been practiced for thousands of years, and to become a master takes focused practice, training, and a lot of hard work, but you don’t have to be an expert to start using feng shui in your own life. In fact, the magic and insights involved in feng shui are more accessible than you might expect....
I know what you might be thinking: Seriously though, can feng shui really change my life? The simple answer is, yes, it can. But like any transformational practice, it takes commitment. Your mindset and intention will play a key role. I like to think of feng shui as intentional design. Or if you like, you can think of it as yoga for your home. If you practice yoga, you know how it can make you feel lighter and more peaceful—and that’s what feng shui does for your home. It brings you peace, lightness, and most importantly, more energy!
I wrote this book to give you a fast track to using feng shui in your life. I’m a big believer in “learn by doing” and in this book, I’m giving you 27 simple, creative, and easy-to-implement feng shui.
design projects that you can put into practice right away. Also, as you go through each section, you’ll get a little Feng Shui 101 lesson introducing you to a new feng shui principle, system, or tool.
Fundamentally, practicing feng shui is a connection with, and a sensitivity to, the world around you. It’s about taking charge of the energy you create and put out in the world. Make no mistake, feng shui is a 4000-year-old practice and can be highly technical and methodical, but it can also be an accessible, everyday way to live your life.
Creating Change will give you the tools to adjust and activate your environment, and your life, by using feng shui. This timeless art puts you in the driver’s seat of your own life, and these projects will show you how to align your desires with the right energy.
What you will learn in this book:
• How to use basic feng shui principles and tools
• How to start practicing intentional design
• How simple changes in your home can make a big difference
• How the energy of your home will shift when you make the right changes
• That feng shui can be fun
Feng Shui is Intentional Design
When you walk into a space, home, or building, have you ever had the feeling something is a little off ? You can’t quite put your finger on what the problem is – you just aren’t very comfortable. Or the opposite: you walk into a room and instantly feel at ease. The space supports and nurtures you. A well-designed space can not only improve your mood, but also your life—this is what feng shui is all about. It has the power to change not only the look of your home, but also your outlook on life.
The magic and power of feng shui
1. It’s all about the chi: Feng shui is like a big, cleansing breath for your home. Improving the quality and amount of energy in your home will support, calm, and create a greater sense of ease.
2. Smooths the rough edges: Feng shui is about aligning your own energy with the chi that circulates in our spaces, homes, and in nature. It is about correcting misalignments, and vibrational pulls on personal energy. Simply put, feng shui is about creating harmony.
3. Let’s you take control when $#%@ happens!: Complaining and bitterness will not change bad luck or unforeseen circumstances, but by using the power of the universe through feng shui, and the strength of your actions, you can level the playing field.
4. It reveals what we cannot see: The power of feng shui also lies in its ability to let us see patterns—in your life, in your home, and ultimately the vibrational patterns of the energy around you. It is a mindful awareness that reveals energetic ruts and blockages.
5. The power to shape your environment: Guess what? If you don’t like the way your life is going, you can change it. Feng shui is a tool to strengthen, focus, and boost your journey to a more fulfilled life. Feng shui works best when it is supporting real-life goals and hard work. Change in your home = change in your life.
The flow of the book: From reset to harmony
The projects in this guide are simple and easy to follow. As you move through the 27 projects, you will find they ask more of your creativity and visualization. You can choose to do any number of projects, and are not expected to do all of them. Find a project that resonates with you and try it on for size! If you like, as you read along you might want to try to pick and choose a project from each stage, focusing on a specific goal. The sections in this book are as follows: RESET (repair, clean), MOVE (correct, direct), INVITE (summon chi), BALANCE (balance the five elements), BOOST (activating the bagua), MAGIC (creative energy boosters).