Choices . . .

A Universal Guide for Rational Thinking

by Kyla Nelsen

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/19/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781504373913
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781504373906

About the Book

This book evolved, with determination and perseverance. The author wants to convey the message that our thinking can be trained, with knowledge and practice ... to be rational and positive. With enough people starting a trend, to convey to our children and each other, the power in our choices ... our CHOICES create our life ... good or bad. Over time, with this message of hope and creation, in a new way, for each person to create their own new destiny and ultimately create a more peaceful world for all!

About the Author

Born and raised in Washington State … she is a person who has learned about life, step by step, quietly developing her philosophy and beliefs. With a unique combination of “success and failure”, with counseling by very loving, devoted people, who shared ways to negotiate through life. Being a sensitive, caring individual … and marrying a First Sergeant in the United States Army, and having two beautiful children … (one in Hawaii and one in Virginia … plus a tour in Germany), they had their “adventures”. It gave her a lot of insight into her authentic self … who she had become, a Mother, first and foremost … the most cherished gift, to her. And underlying, in her life, though … being an “author”. To finally realize her “dream/goal”, of publishing this book … (first written over twenty years ago), a result from her heart. It will offer a sense of accomplishment … to devote time and energy to share her “version” ... her authentic self. More books will follow … the first step is always the BIGGEST … and the most rewarding gift to share …