Don’t be afraid of your own ideas just because they haven’t been tried out before or you don’t have anyone who believe in it. Ideas that produce quantum leaps always defy logic and common sense at the moment of their conception and execution; we see the elegance and majesty of their wisdom and common sense only in retrospect. Then the society suddenly grows wise and says, ‘we knew it! We always knew he was going to make it!’ How brilliantly we can all judge in retrospect with masterful certainly that we always knew it was all going to be alright.........
Life doesn’t start or end with acquisition; it still goes on flowing like a stream. Stay in the flow of life, continuously growing and always learning. Stay forever young at heart. Stay curious and non-judgmental; this is what makes for the innocence of children. They have an eager intellect to learn and hold no prejudice. Innocence is not the absence of sins, it's the absence of judgment and eagerness to acquire knowledge of a better way and learn new things. This refreshing attitude is what keeps the mind forever young - even at hundred years old.
The mind or the intellect is meant for continuous exercise and expansion. Conscious effort for intellectual and spiritual development is an eternal universal law and it’s the road to impenetrable peace and bliss that no material bounty can offer.
Worldly fame, power and fortune we can amass through material bounty are illusive and mundane. Growth to true strength, wisdom and serenity doesn’t come to an individual by chance or through indolence or from material bounty, but rather through conscious effort to garner noble thoughts and actions; unconditional love and compassion; unwavering believe in truth and equity; and an unparalleled love and obedience of the Divine. The love of the Divine is manifested by your love and compassion for your fellow man..........
Every circumstance in our lives are set to draw experience and knowledge for our intellectual and spiritual growth if we pay enough attention. Every misfortune comes with a seed of new opportunities and also forces growth of our being. We learn from what appears to be suffering, as well as in our daily routine activities and from what appears to be success. From these unceasing circumstances, we can descend to a level below the beast or ascend to strength and piety; depending on the thoughts we attach to the circumstance. If we garnered noble thoughts around the circumstance, and in spirit of obedience, this would elevate us in all dimensions of growth. On the other hand, if we neglect to watch our thoughts or attach negative emotions and negative thoughts to the same circumstance, we would quickly spiral downwards to ignobility, indolence and suffering.
God gives us the choice to make or destroy ourselves, but by application of our thoughts, but He made obedience our natural disposition, and put all of nature to come to our aid to grow towards piety and excellence. The Supreme Intelligence, by law, controls every single atom and the subatomic particles in the universe, including those that make up our very own bodies, but the thoughts and acts by which we descend to ignoble or bestial character are the results of our own handy work by our neglect or wrong application of thoughts. When we fail to observe and control our thoughts, by default, we fall into ignorance or surrender to our uncontrolled desires or become a slave to our base instincts.
Every event in our lives is indispensable to our growth and becoming. Our fears, negative impulses, temptations and some misfortunes are loud calls to our character flaws needing remedy. They are frequent reminders for the evil within that needs to be conquered as part of our development. Desires that are controlled increases us in strength to resist other base instincts; temptations that are denied expression, increases us in power to resist other temptations; misfortunes that we are patient with, increase us in understanding, wisdom and patience.......
Key words:
Life; Balance life; Abundant life; serenity; cause and effect; harmony; compensation; circumstance; submission; universal justice; thoughts; habituation; subconscious; paradigm; perception; leadership; vision; faith; character; moral guidance; organization; communication; attitude; originality; self-reliance; serenity; spiritual growth;l; equity; virtue; concentration; enlightenment.