Crumbs and Treasures from the Basket

by Eagle Annie

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/7/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 282
ISBN : 9781504304108
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 282
ISBN : 9781504304092

About the Book

This book has been written with one simple truth in mind. Every human ever born has been fearfully and wonderfully made and has some specific hidden value within them. However, everyone comes to times of feeling and will wonder seriously if there is anything of value in them or their life. Many wonder from time to time if we have anything of value, beauty, or importance to aim for or look forward to beyond our present circumstances, especially if what we are going through is painful and drawn out. It is possible to learn to find treasures in every person, place, and situation that we go through. It is true that sometimes we need some assistance to look beyond the hidden boundaries of the preconditioning of supposed normality. Healing to our emotional eyes and the eyes of our understanding always definitely helps. Once we have begun such a journey, the joy grows from day to day, and so does the many surprises as we learn to see treasures instead of trash.

About the Author

I am a country-style woman, married to a gentle Dutchman. I have three children, four grandchildren, and eight step grandchildren. I am a passionate woman who loves to encourage others to look for the hidden treasures in the hard and hurtful times.