Letters to Our Lovers
Book Details
About the Book
“To My Ex, . . . I am grateful to you as I am grateful for scars. They are a part of me, and they are my compass. Without them, I would not know which direction to go. I’d be lost. You are part of my past and my present and my future. You are part of my limbs, moving forward, walking away . . .” Letters to Our Lovers is an insightful, entertaining, and utterly relatable collection of letters written to our families, friends, the inner and outer self, and to the various types of romantic relationships many of us experience.
About the Author
Jenny hails from Queens, New York, and currently lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she spends her time as a licensed clinical social worker, therapist, college instructor, writer, and unapologetic workaholic cat lover. When she is not annoying her friends and family by pranking them and flaking out on plans, she is binge-watching Seinfeld and sharing take-out with her pets.