Chapter 1- TRUTH
In the midst of all actions, all feelings and thought
There is but one thing to prevail
The many twists and turns, a step at a time
Life’s sole purpose, of this to unveil
Removing the blanket that covers true Being
Age long passage, from time of eternal youth
In good times and bad, in knowing or not
What is sought, is simply the Truth
Many times afraid of that which is real
We burrow and hide in deceit
Consciously unaware in current presence
True knowledge, is that which we cheat
Peeling away the many layers of illusion
Through experience, one layer at a time
No certitude, of that right or wrong
On the unequivocal, true upward climb
Perpetual change in earthly understanding
Until the ripples of judgement subside
This stirring moment does wait for us all
And then, the Truth cannot hide
Truth now exposed, a cleansing of apparition
We experience each moment nonaligned
Accepting the now, the instant, the present
Is our enchanting, everlasting True find
Truth- a single, simple word, that all of us have heard from our earliest days of comprehension. From the days of our childhood we were always told to tell the truth, that telling the truth was the right thing to do, and would make us a good person. Of course this was positive, constructive direction from our parents, loved ones, teachers, and the like. In reality, it aided in melding us with positive character traits, positive attributes to our human growth and development.
But also as young children we were continually conditioned, continually bombarded with what society and our culture considered to be the truth, to what society and our culture considered to be the way of the world, to what society and our culture considered to be right or wrong. This “truth” led us to believe that when we, or others, were not acting, speaking, or directing their lives in a certain manner- we were treading down the wrong path. “Conform to the norm” would be an appropriate description of this paradigm, and history has shown continuity in this way of thinking from generation to generation. Truths, attitudes, and behaviours pass from parent to child, and in the majority of circumstances with good intent. And of course, the best intention directs the next generation to know the way to happiness, know the way to being a good upstanding member of society, know the way to being a good human being. Yes, there are obvious traditional changes from several generations long past, but the core impression of the ways of the world have remained constant, and for the most part they have been shared with an “earthly” understanding of love.
This “earthly” understanding of love is one that is experienced with those close to us- family, friends, and others among us in our close circle of life. Many claim they love unconditionally, many believe in their own minds they love unconditionally- but in reality, when conformance to direction, guidance, or attitude of others goes by the wayside, judgement and other mental attitudes arise and set in, that ultimately affect our relationships. Our upset or discontent with the actions, behaviours, or attitudes of others eventually go against the grain of the “Universal Heart”. This is the way of the world as we know it- but there is good news, great news in fact! It is exactly this process that each and every human being needs to pass through, to experience, to ultimately learn to love in accord with the Universal Heart.
Learning the Truth, learning Love- this is our ultimate destiny in the game that we all know as life. And how does this happen, how does this occur for each and every one of us? Ultimately, one interaction with another, one new conscious thought, one experience at a time. Each and every experience does not lead us toward the Truth, but ultimately carries us away from what is not true, what is not real, what is not relevant in our journey as eternal Beings. It does in fact, in many ways, go against the grain to what we learned in our youth -as the truth. The truth we learned to carry us through life, as our predecessors displayed in their actions, thoughts, and words. It peels away the many illusions that block us from knowing real Love, universal Love. In a sense, we have to un-learn that which has established our foundation as a human being, from time of birth to present moment.
“We continually need to un- learn, and by this we learn to be”
So as said earlier, we tread down the path of life trying to conform to the wishes and direction from those that came before us. We follow the guidance and wisdom from our loved ones, typically trying to conform to societal norms and lead a good, upstanding life. The guidance given typically included professing our ability to do anything we set our minds to, with dedication and commitment. This may include following in our families footsteps of attending certain academic institutions or career paths, or many times following our parents dreams and aspirations for us. Aspirations of us making a better life for ourselves then what they themselves experienced. Again, it is all with good intent. But imminently, we tread off this course to varying degrees, and ultimately, we develop a mental image of ourselves in accordance to our non-conformance to expectations set before us. This process typically begins at a very young age- and our conscious and subconscious position continuously evolves. Yes, in a lot instances life plays out and follows the map put forth in front of us with great precision, but if the map outlined was not in accordance to universal love, the map can then repeat itself- and continue to elude the Truth.