The 2094 Sanction

by Frank Scott & Nisa Montie

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/16/2016

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9781504359580
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9781504359702
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9781504359597

About the Book

The entity's state of KNOWINGNESS in matters of the journey: remembering and returning, one's spiritual development, the purpose and direction, and its significance, remains up to God's Will and Pleasure to illumine and advance.

Without God's Illumination, you do not understand that what you know and that degree of knowingness becomes the cage that holds you prisoner at all times, causing you to be your own worst enemy. It is a quagmire you cannot free yourself from, no matter what you may hear or come across. Without God's given Word, through His Messenger, you will never understand it, and there will be no interest or reason to do so. You will, in fact, be lost within yourself and not even know it.

Individually and collectively, generation after generation, most of us have continued this same pattern of unawareness, as we transit from one to the next dream (world) state.

We are trapped in a loop that is both the Whole within the Self, and the part within that Whole, each time we emerge to its surface. Each time we experience a state of consciousness, we become trapped in one of the many fractional and temporal, existential experiences held from within, and experienced from without.

The entity has no recollection or memory of these fractional and temporal, existential experiences. Gradually, as the entity accrues virtues through The 2094 Sanction 57 the practice of ethical values, and a morally correct life-style, he or she experiences moments of clarity, fourth-dimensionally speaking, and is guided, discovering the Manifestation of God for the day and age of his or her emergence into a theater of life.

This gradual process is part of one's awakening, remembering, and eventual return to one's higher Self. When the entity finally awakens and returns to Paradise, fully aware of his true Self, all thoughts and memories of former (dreams of) mortal worlds vanish. His attention is now focused on that which God, in His Infinite Mercy and Wisdom, has specifically designed for that particular entity.

Since the entity is in an eternal companionship, the experiences of both entities will be coordinated to fulfill the Desire of God, the Creator, to carry out His Will and Pleasure.

Whenever an entity leaves behind the worlds of illusion, they vanish without a trace–as a tiny drop of water vanishes within an immense and immeasurable ocean. Were you, the reader, to have this experience of leaving the physical body and experience these Realms of Revelation, you would soon understand that nothing in this primitive world of time and space, life and death, with a diverse lack of attributes, has any true value whatsoever.

The only worthiness found in these worlds within the Simulator is that they should remind the interacting participants (through their Soul-based awareness) that God is All There Is, for everything else is experienced as a vanishing point of view–eventually.

Were it to be revealed to most of the people interacting and participating on any planet, as a unified system of intelligent life, the Beauty and the Joy eternally available in the Realms of God, all the persons sojourning there, would cease the moment to get to the Other side.

About the Author

Frank Scott and Nisa Montie joined forces to aid the enlightenment of humanity. Since his youth, Frank has been gifted with unusual experiences that inform and give a map that helps direct each entity on the Divine path of Truth. Nisa uses animal and fairy characters to teach virtues in joy-filled children's tales.