The Key
Book Details
About the Book
What would you do to learn about the way things really are? Would you be willing to kiss your old habits goodbye? All of them? What if you were bored? What if you suspected that all the adults you knew were lying to you, that there was nothing good on TV and you just really wanted to go outside and look at some flowers? What if you suspected that the flowers themselves were lying to you but only because you were lying to yourself? Meet Stephen, who meets Mr. Edviso. Stephen is fourteen, not real happy, and full of questions. Mr. Edviso is pretty even-keeled emotionally and full of answers—but answers that lead to more questions, answers that lead to what some call magic. “If you are willing to swallow your anger, if you are willing to admit to yourself that your first reaction might be wrong, if you are willing to keep a cool head at least for the next five minutes—that is to carry the key.”
About the Author
Brian Elder has painted fresco with a WPA-era frescoist, has had a rich and rewarding career as an artist and a designer, has been adopted into one Native American family, and has befriended many others. He has worked as a counselor in northern California and is trying to stay humble. This is his first book. Perfect bound, 200 pages. Cover illustration by the author, Brian Elder (