A How to Guide Listen to the Voice Within

by Rehel Anderson

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/4/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 62
ISBN : 9781504354967
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 62
ISBN : 9781504354943

About the Book

This book is a ‘How to Guide’ that will help you on your spiritual path and the ways you can attain a higher level of spirituality with each step you take. The book answers important questions about the different ways to hear the ‘voice’ within. It explains many spiritual terms that help in understanding how to listen for the ‘voice’ and the different ways we hear the voice. In these pages Rehel shares some of her experiences of what can happen when you Listen to the Voice Within or what can happen when you don’t Listen to the Voice Within. It gives you step by step instructions to connect with the voice. She shares her experiences to help the student along their own path of enlightenment.

About the Author

Rehel is a very interesting and unique person, with countless experiences in her day to day life and her spiritual life. She calls it her ‘duality’. Once you get to know her, it is hard to imagine how she lived her everyday life and how she was able to intertwine all her spiritual gifts at the same time. Most of her life she has been guided by the ‘voice within’. She has been directed by the unseen world in many aspects of her life. Her first-hand experiences have helped many people with their difficulties in life. When the voice wants her to relay messages to people, she will deliver that message. Rehel feels in her heart that she is to help people attain their spiritual gifts by connecting to the Voice. Rehel also feels the more she is able to help, the more she will be helped on her spiritual path.